400 to Deploy to Mid-East to Train Syrians – IOTW Report

400 to Deploy to Mid-East to Train Syrians

The Pentagon confirmed today that up to 400 U.S. special forces are going to the Middle East to operate training centers for rebel Syrians starting in March. na_Troops_Deploy_bw_t440


Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are all named as nations willing to host the training camps.


It’s anyone’s guess if this is actually a serious effort or a ploy intended to send a message to Iran and Russia while foreign ministers meet to discuss Syria’s future (note: no Syrians are attending these negotiations).


26 Comments on 400 to Deploy to Mid-East to Train Syrians

  1. This is early 1960’s Vietnam redux, the same thing happened then that’s happening now. God help us and please don’t let barry stage another Gulf of Tonkin incident to spark an excuse to go to war again for no apparent reason except to make himself look good. BUCK OFAMA!

  2. barry’s a far bigger creep than McNamara etc. and the rest of the brain trust that gave us Vietnam. He’s far worse even than LBJ. Can you imagine the howls from the left if there was still a draft like in the 60’s, they’d shit kittens trying to avoid it like they did back then.

  3. He has to do something.

    Putin’s making him look like a complete fag – which ain’t too tough.

    He’s probably figuring that 400 is a small price to pay to maintain the pretense that he has some clue about geopolitics.

  4. Seal Teams 3 and 6 have been there for about 3 months already. He’s sending some Rangers and Delta Force guys now. Americas best. That fucker better not get them killed.

  5. he’d better not tie their hands with restrictive roe

    gloves off

    i am all for rounding them up, burning them alive, or putting them in a cage and sinking them

    fight terror with terror

    keep the press out

  6. It’s hard to tie the hands of the SF guys. They can pick their weapons and run their own plans and most of the time pick their own targets. Lot’s of them seem to die on helicopters though.

  7. The cheap, lying, no good, rotten, four-flushing, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-eating, brainless, dick-less, purple-lipped, hopeless, heartless, bug eyed, big-eared, incompetent, inexperienced, lazy, vacationing, golfing, spending, partying, vindictive, arrogant, stumbling, sarcastic, narcissistic, corrupt, stone-walling, out-of-touch, Gay-obsessed, dope-smoking, autocratic, Bush-blaming, healthcare-destroying, Mexican gun-running, Treasury-looting, economy-wrecking, Constitution-stomping, race-baiting, America-hating, lawless, weak, bitch-slapped, flat-footed, phony-baloney, plastic banana republic Manchurian Obamboozler.
    I just double checked and can’t find CIC or President in my list…

  8. WTF….Mr mohamed Obalowme is sending troops to train muslimes to fight. For what? If any American service die, I hope the commandant in chief gets court marshaled and punished.

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