500,000 Dead In Ukraine, Blinken Plays Guitar – IOTW Report

500,000 Dead In Ukraine, Blinken Plays Guitar

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19 Comments on 500,000 Dead In Ukraine, Blinken Plays Guitar

  1. ^^^VeedonFleece FRIDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER 2023, 11:27 AT 11:27 AM
    “What an ass. Why is this the best we have to represent us?”
    Because we let them get away with stealing an election.

  2. Dont worry. people. Neil “Conscience of The Nation” Young is on it once again.

    Half mil in Zaporozh
    Half mil in Zaparozh
    Half mil in Zaporozh (Or hor hor hor)
    Half mil in Zaporozh (Eer heer heer heer)
    Half mil in Zaparozh (Arr ha har har)
    Half mil in Zaparozh (Oor hoo hoor hoor)
    Half mil in Zaporozh (Why?)
    Half mil in Zaporozh (WHY?)
    Half mil in Zaporozh (WHY!!)
    Half mil in Zaparozh ….

  3. Fits right in with the propriety of the Biden administration like Sam Brinton and Rachael Levine. Stellar examples of leadership, morals and American values. I know they’re just people with their private lives, hobbies and perversions but there’s a time and place for everything. Standards have been declining for a long time. By the way, he needs to keep a day job he’s suited for like working the drive through window at Birger King.


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