8 Minutes? – IOTW Report

8 Minutes?

A High School student did this in 8 minutes, and got in lots of trouble for it.


What’d he do?

His house was robbed of $200, so his mother watched the home security video. A woman entered and 8 minutes later exited, presumably the thief. The son said he was in his room with headphones on and didn’t hear anything.

When grilled by the police he finally admitted the woman was a prostitute he hired.

Not only is he in a heap of trouble, but his friends are going to get a kick out of the 8 minute duration, which presumably includes her rifling through mom’s dresser to snatch the 200 dollars (unless the son stole it to pay for the whore.) Seen below.


26 Comments on 8 Minutes?

  1. You know you’ve officially been “Americanized” when you go from the, “I ruv you rong time” class to the, “do me, do me one more time” class.

    Welcome to the Land of the Big PX!

  2. Amateur.

    Every newbie dude knows to rub one or two out before the real thing so you can last longer and have more sex time.

    At least I heard a rumor like that. Yeah, a rumor. That’s what I’m sticking with. ? I wouldn’t know. Really. Stop looking at me like that.

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