81-Year-Old GOP Congresswoman Falls on the Staircases at U.S. Capitol Following Speaker Vote – IOTW Report

81-Year-Old GOP Congresswoman Falls on the Staircases at U.S. Capitol Following Speaker Vote

GP: Yet another disturbing incident involving one of America’s federally elected officials happened today after Mike Johnson was elected House Speaker on Friday.

81-year-old Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) had just finished voting to help elect Johnson when disaster struck. Fox News revealed that she fell on the grand staircases on the GOP side of the Capitol.

PBS Newshour Correspondent Lisa Desjardins revealed Capitol Police soon swarmed the scene to attend to the elderly member of Congress.

13 Comments on 81-Year-Old GOP Congresswoman Falls on the Staircases at U.S. Capitol Following Speaker Vote

  1. “Almost every day we are presented with evidence for the need to establish term limits, yet nothing is done…”

    Well the dumbasses could stop re-electing these fossils. Just like the morons who keep re-electing the RINO’s to the Republican Party and we keep ending up with the same spineless leadership that leads to people like Johnson and Ryan. I don’t know how these people expect for things to change if they keep sending the same people back to Washington who have screwed it up.

  2. Pelosi’s fall turned out to be particularly serious because she was forced to undergo surgery after breaking her hip, a dangerous injury for someone her age.

    Fortunately, she has since recovered.

    Fortunate for who? or is it whom?


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