81 Year-Old Martha Stewart is Oldest SI Swimsuit Cover Model – IOTW Report

81 Year-Old Martha Stewart is Oldest SI Swimsuit Cover Model

She doesn’t look bad at all. In fact, I smell a rat.

How is this 81??

Can we trust any imagery these days?

39 Comments on 81 Year-Old Martha Stewart is Oldest SI Swimsuit Cover Model

  1. I remember years ago there was a video of a woman brought in for a photo shoot. They showed the woman being made up. Then, once the photos were taken, they showed all the Photoshopping that was done. When they were finished, the woman’s own mother would not have recognized her.

    However, even back in the day Playboy Playmates photo’s were all retouched. When Oui came out, one of their things was that the photos were all natural. I recall reading someplace that there were Oui models with visible appendectomy scars.

  2. I’ll give her the benefit of a doubt; good for you, Martha! Mostly because I don’t care about the stuff these people do, as it is of no moment, and mostly because everything in this world are lies promulgated by the father of lies.

  3. Definitely photoshopped.
    She is doing cat litter ads and she doesn’t look anything like this.
    Also, notice they have her hiding her waistline?
    I’d love to have a photoshoot then have everything photoshopped so I still look 40.

  4. She is friends with Snoop Dog, nuff said. They’re both idiots. If this keeps up, when are we going to see the geriatric version of Playboy, not that I’d be interested in seeing wrinkly old broads with saggy tits down to their knees.

  5. I’ve seen some pretty good looking (fit) elderly women in the gym. But they work their asses off. Literally. There are no short cuts or magic pills.
    One thing I noticed in the photos is they are strategically positioning her to hide a very very large belly.

  6. Having seen MS in person I call a big fraud on the pictures. She had several face surgeries but nothing could fix the turkey neck or the ancient crone hands..In real life the area between her nose and lip is a lined mess. I wish more women would take after Bridgette Bardot and age naturally. At least it’s honest.

  7. When I was in my 20s there was a local gal who has a birthmark on her tummy that looks just like a staple. In real life she was pretty common. Just saying.

  8. Anybody recall those photos of Debby Washerwoman-Schitz looking almost human?

    And the re-touched photos (on every fuggin hen magazine on Earth) of Moose Obola?
    It almost looked human, too.

    I don’t really GAF about SI or Martha Stewart – but geez – no integrity, anywhere?
    The photographer musta been a fag, or he’d have vomited all over the set.

    I’d bet that with Mr. Hat’s talents, he could make her look like a lingerie model!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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