98% Survival Rate After Infection Has Caused THIS!?!? – IOTW Report

98% Survival Rate After Infection Has Caused THIS!?!?

Imagine what a 90% survival rate disease would cause. I do think these totalitarian fuckweasels would begin shooting people if they stuck their heads out the window.

ht/ r taylor

21 Comments on 98% Survival Rate After Infection Has Caused THIS!?!?

  1. Unbelievable.

    “temporary” they say. Only 14 more years to flatten the curve. Wait, Earth will be gone before then. Canada, you’re going to put up with this B.S. for your last remaining decade of existence? RESIST YOU MUCH.

  2. Canada just became the laughing stock of the free world. Too bad, it used to be such a great place; majestic, beautiful, clean, fiscally responsible, and somewhat free. Now they have gone full blown East Germany circa 1960’s.

    In the last few months there have been a number of threads here documenting our (US)gradual erosion of civil liberties (Free speech, right to assemble, right to worship, the rights of workers to secure and keep the fruits of their labor, due process,even the rights of movement within a free society). So far these discussions have been in the abstract, creating nebulous lines in the sand at which, when crossed, require some action or push back. That line has just been crossed in Canada and the reactions of the people living there, their willingness to go along and surrender their freedoms, these will be diligently monitored by the authoritarians in our own country.

    Don’t bet for a second that many dems would not just love to implement something similar right here.

  3. Holy Fuck—

    I almost blew a gasket after 47 seconds.

    These ASSHOLES have no remorse, no self-conscience, no self-awareness, no scruples, no compassion….they have absolutely NOTHING that even resembles anything close to morals.

    Think of the apocalypse——Shoot on site.

  4. Now you all understand me.

    Thank you!

    When “we” elected Turdeau, I took my flag & turned it upside down. (the fort Is over run, Stay away)

    When “we” Re-elected Turdeau, I took it down, put it in a bucket and pissed on it every day until Canada Day (July 1st that year) I took it out,let it dry in the sun, and On July 4th, 3 days latter I lit it with Zippo. More dignity that it deserved.

    Canada fought in WW2 under a Union Jack, not this thing. While nice looking, it was adopted & created by the Liberal Party of Canada.(their exact colours)
    What it has evolved into is a Joke!

    Would anyone like to tell me I was wrong?

    Dung Ford was supposed to be a Conservative. He is NOTHING LIKE ROBERT FORD. ROB would NEVER have done this. I personally know both his kids & widow (she is LIVID).

    Dung has already flip flopped on closing public playgrounds in less than 12 hours. The assoc. of Ontario chiefs of Police have already said “we will not be random pulling over & questioning” All except for the OPP (Ontario provincial police)

    Tomorrow, I am RIDING a Mountain Bike Trail on a Bright Lime Green Bike. Catch me if you can you MOTHERFUCKERS!

    No judge will honour these fines. Everything is getting thrown out daily. Open Fucking secret.

  5. @rich taylor – martial law in the U.S. by mid-summer combined with Russian and Chinese military actions in the Ukraine and Taiwan? Perfect timing – and it IS all about timing.

  6. @rich taylor

    Democrats are trying to follow Canuckistan.

    The only thing saving your asses is 2A.
    1A, 4A, 8A (covid fines), 10A, are being ignored.

    I am on this site only to let you know where you are heading.

  7. @Kcir

    “No judge will honour these fines. Everything is getting thrown out daily. Open Fucking secret.”

    That may be but you certainly can be inconvenienced in the process. If a cop wanted to exercise these new powers, he could arrest you on the spot and impound your car/bike. You spend a couple hundred bucks getting it out of impound and waste a day of work fighting it in court.

    @Ollie Hominin

    You are right about the military actions of China and Russia, but I’m struggling to find the impetus for martial law in the US. Packing SCOTUS, raising taxes up the wazoo, even ignoring election fraud, these won’t do it. Maybe a massive gun grab, but our leaders don’t have the balls to do what Canada just did.

    @kt, yes, it gives them a [temporary] reprieve that some police agencies refuse to use these newly given powers, but it may not hold. Here in the states the pecking order is such; mayor/city manager/police chief. The chief may say ,”My guys are not doing that”, but if the mayor or city manager drives around and sees this new law being flouted, he calls the chief on the phone and tells him to enforce the law. At this point we see that irresistible force meeting an immovable object dynamic, and we see who will blink first.

  8. I always laughed at people from other counties (Brits, Canadians, Australians, …etc. Also the “EU” countries.) who try to make fun of US politics or attack the US, while they are OK with tyranny in their own countries.

  9. @rick taylor

    I live in a country that paid a terrorist 10 million plus after he killed an American soldier with a grenade. (Omar Khadr)

    Fine me, arrest me, make life miserable for a few months.

    Big secret, I have the money to sue, and will.

  10. You know, if this had to eventually take place I wish that it had taken place when I was in better fighting shape.

    The older I get the longer the range of rifle I need.


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