Massive Voter Fraud Discovered in North Carolina’s 2012 Election – IOTW Report

Massive Voter Fraud Discovered in North Carolina’s 2012 Election

PJ Media

The North Carolina State Board of Elections has found thousands of instances of voter fraud in the state, thanks to a 28-state crosscheck of voter rolls. Initial findings suggest widespread election fraud.


  • 765 voters with an exact match of first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in N.C. and the other state in the 2012 general election.
  • 35,750 voters with the same first and last name and DOB were registered in N.C. and another state and voted in both states in the 2012 general election.
  • 155,692 voters with the same first and last name, DOB and last four digits of SSN were registered in N.C. and another state – and the latest date of registration or voter activity did not take place within N.C.


The second point is key, as double voting is election fraud under state and federal statutes. Punishment for double voting in federal elections can include jail time.


In October 2012, Project Veritas produced video showing a Barack Obama campaign worker helping a voter register to vote in both Texas and Florida.


The Interstate Crosscheck examines 101 million voter records in more than two dozen participating states.



14 Comments on Massive Voter Fraud Discovered in North Carolina’s 2012 Election

  1. I still maintain that 0bama did not want to win nor planned to win. He got his reparations and did his job – the bailout, obamacare, Osama, etc etc etc.

    The machine re-elected him. The unions and blacks refused to let him off so easily. He still owed them.

  2. / ** begin naive idiocy

    Eric Holder said there is no proof this fraud has ever occurred and anybody saying otherwise is a racist.

    He would never lie or mislead for political purposes because he’s the Attorney General.

    / ** end naive idiocy

  3. I would LOVE to see some cross-checking between WI and The People’s Republic of Illinois.
    Dipocrats had fits last week when Governor Scott Walker signed a bill into law restricting the over generous extended hours of early voting.
    This new law might curtail some of these busloads of voters coming in from the flatlands.

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