POLL: What was Barack Obama doing for 10 hours after the Benghazi terror attack? – IOTW Report

POLL: What was Barack Obama doing for 10 hours after the Benghazi terror attack?


Here’s my guess:

22 Comments on POLL: What was Barack Obama doing for 10 hours after the Benghazi terror attack?

  1. He was in the Whitehouse’s private theater, watching “Dajango Unchained” over and over, dressed up like Broomhilda and chain smoking something.

  2. Deep in the bunker with ValJar, Plouffter and Axelrodent, assessing political damage and calculating how many more fraudulent votes they would need to manufacture in order to win. Because sometimes winning is more important to Barry than some guy’s rectum, if only for a fleeting moment.

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