Cuellar (D-Laredo, TX) says illegal adults are “renting” children to enter the U.S. – IOTW Report

Cuellar (D-Laredo, TX) says illegal adults are “renting” children to enter the U.S.

Breitbart TX

Dem Congressman: Illegal Immigrants Renting Children to Enter US and Game System

HOUSTON, Texas–As word spreads to Central America that thousands of young illegal immigrants will likely be allowed to stay in the U.S., the number of those crossing the border illegally will likely continue to increase. Many foreign adults have come to believe that if they are accompanied by a child, Border Patrol agents will not turn them away. This has apparently led to a disturbing trend that involves adults “renting” children to enter the U.S.

Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-LaredoTX) told local media outlet CBS DFW, “I was talking to somebody that worked for Border Patrol, and he said that in the late 80′s there were a lot of kids from EL Salvador coming in and what they were doing is they had a ‘rent-a-kid’ program. In other words they said ‘oh if I come in and I have a kid with me they’ll let me go.'”

The Border Patrol agent apparently told the Congressman, “Henry, I’m seeing this again, I cannot believe it.”


9 Comments on Cuellar (D-Laredo, TX) says illegal adults are “renting” children to enter the U.S.

  1. Obviously we can’t just send these deseased kids back. But we sure ass hell shouldn’t be accepting anybody over the age of 16. Lots of vacant housing in Detroit. Send them there and call NATO for help.

  2. Fly em all into Mexico City in C130 transport planes…….one an hour til they cry uncle.
    Escort with F16s if necessary! If Mexico can’t control THEIR border then we should invade and occupy ten miles deep to stop this using whatever force is necessary!!!

  3. Does this surprise anyone? Is Cuellar going to actually do anything about it, like turn them back or maybe, possibly, move to close the fu@king borders??

    Democrats don’t usually have a problem using children for political purposes. I don’t know why they’d act shocked when someone else does it.

  4. I don’t get it. Is the border wide open? No one there? I thought we had border security in trucks.
    Why have security if there not going to do their jobs.
    Can’t we hire private security to replace the border guards?

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