The IRS Violated The Law And State Sovereignty – IOTW Report

The IRS Violated The Law And State Sovereignty

Forbes—The Internal Revenue Service usurped its authority and overturned longstanding norms of federalism in ruling that health insurance subsidies could be available through federally-created exchanges, the Galen Institute and state legislators argued in anAmicus brief  submitted Monday in the pending King v. Burwell lawsuit.  more

h/t C Steven Tucker

5 Comments on The IRS Violated The Law And State Sovereignty

  1. The IRS has NEVER followed any rule, law, or constitutional right since it was created.

    We have all this talk about this healthcare law, and that penalty that is actually a tax, and the other rule about exchanges. Do you know how to stop all this bullshit? YES! Repeal the 16th amendment and pass the FairTax! Then all of this socialist income tax bullshit goes away.

    What you are seeing is just Kabuki Theater for the masses. “Look! We’re getting the IRS to do what we want!” Bullshit. All you are doing is sticking a pin in a voodoo doll as if that is going to work. The Gestapo just laughs at you. When you go back to sleep, they go to work finding new ways to violate your rights.

    Abolishing the IRS is a non starter. Abolishing the income tax will kill socialism and the IRS at the same time.

  2. Mark Levin and his Landmark Legal Foundation is getting involved with one of these cases. That has to be a good development. There are still some good patriots out there fighting. If I had any kind of legal skills I’d try to help, all I can do is make a bit of a donation to the cause.

  3. Unfortunately, the Judge who hears this case is likely to say that the Galen Institute and the state legislators “have no standing” and he will simply throw the case out.

    Yes, that is my prediction.

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