China’s Dog Meat Festival – IOTW Report

China’s Dog Meat Festival

I hesitated to even post this.

It depressed me reading it. My intention is not to depress our readers, but I think the story has to be posted. This has to be stopped. 10,000,000 dogs are killed. Dog isn’t a staple for most Chinese, it’s more of a seasonal tradition that could largely be stopped without humans going hungry.

The story is here.

If you don’t want to click the story, I understand. But I will deep link a picture that sums it all up for me. It’s not gruesome, it’s not dog meat. It’s a picture that I will carry with me for a long time.

ht/ Jason Chisel

10 Comments on China’s Dog Meat Festival

  1. I’d say that anybody who would eat a dog should be shot in the head. But on the other hand …
    If you read the Journals of Lewis and Clark, you’ll notice the dog (mentioned over 40 times in the text) that Lewis brought on the journey isn’t mentioned near the end of the trip. But the disappearance of the dog, Seaman, is never explained. Meriwether Lewis, and the entire Corps of Discovery crew, were very attached to the dog, and Lewis often bragged about its performance. Lewis and Clark both performed surgery on the dog after a beaver bite. And Lewis threatened to kill an entire Indian tribe who stole the dog if they didn’t return it. So you would think that the disappearance of the dog would be noted in the journals, but it is not.

    Another strange fact is that all the members of the Corps of Discovery ate dog meat some time during the trip, except for Clark – he refused to eat dog meat.

    There was a creek in Montana named after the dog, Seaman Creek, now called Monture Creek.

  2. I hope Chinese leaders don’t eat dog, because that would set a horrible example for their country. Can you imagine what people would think if an American President had actually eaten dog meat? Oh, wait –

  3. You know, people all over the world go crazy when the KKK has a kleagle and the media broadcasts it to all the lattee-swillers around the planet. Yet when proof of the consumption of canines is revealed, it is ignored, marginalized or “explained” as a cultural idiosyncracy.

    I just love double standards, especially when they are used to initiate a “dispirate impact” on us Americans.


  4. eating dog….big deal….don’t tell me that you don’t buy into the “all cultures are equal” crap, no? back in the day, whenever a white man visited an indian village, the indians always gave them a dog. know why? it wasn’t because the indians wanted the white man to have a companion. It was a gift of meat. meat for eating. Dogs are eaten all over the world. in many countries today people still don’t eat meat but once or twice a month, maybe. eating dog at a festival is a big deal to them. it’s not like they can stroll into their Kroger, go to the refrigerated counter and pick out a nice thick Porterhouse steak! Wrong! Most countries don’t have running water, sanitation facilities, reliable electricity, or supermarkets. they have the main market and believe me, seeing a cart full of sheep heads for sale when it’s 110 degrees outside with every fly in the world buzzing around the meat on display makes you appreciate how good we as Americans have it. yep

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