For People Who Like To Go Through iOTW Archival Material – IOTW Report

For People Who Like To Go Through iOTW Archival Material

Here’s iOwnTheWorld from 6 years ago this very month. You’ll note that we often made only one post a day, sometimes only every other day. Click the image to go see. All the links work. You’ll be struck by how many readers you’ll recognize, past and present. It’s fun.

We’ll feature a retrospective every once in awhile.



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22 Comments on For People Who Like To Go Through iOTW Archival Material

  1. Things I noticed –

    You’ll notice in the sidebar the Follow Us On Twitter lists Snark and Boobs. She is managing editor of Twitchy, and started her career here on iOwnTheWorld.

    I noticed in the comments that Moe Tom was Tom Mo.

    I noticed that Ace of Spades was in our Blog Roll.

    And so was Steven Crowder, back when everyone would have said, “WHO?”

    Also, Twits was listed, which was a short-lived site by Caleb Howe (The Right Scoop) which was totally ripped off by Twitchy.
    The only thing he got wrong was he made Twits too cliquey (something I think Twitchy is a bit guilty of as well.)

    Glenn Beck was on the blog roll!

    And two artists we pushed a lot – Erin Bonsteel and Zack Rawsthorne.

    Ahh… memories.

  2. I remember Troy.
    Never knew that.

    We just added the archives section to our main menu.
    It’s fun to pick a random day and just flip through for awhile.

  3. It’s nice to see AdminGirl’s all knowing icon in the comments.

    I’d like to know too when I got bold enough to start commenting. I tried a few times on Ace but got pummeled for naming an author they didn’t like in a “summer reads” post. Never wrote anything there again…

    Came here for the art and stayed for everything else. 🙂

  4. Wow that was a great trip backwards seeing all those familiar commenters names that are no longer around. I hope you continue to post archives….

    I’m watching for the first time Pinko Got fired. (what is it now 29 times) 🙂

  5. Ohhhh, Irony Curtain minus his brilliant profile pic!

    Hmmm…I think maybe I first commented here about three years ago or so? Gah, I can’t remember at all.

    One of these days we’ll look back to about now, maybe, and remember when BFH fixed us up with that awesome “reply to individual commenters” feature! Thanks, Big! 😀

    (If I need to also credit anyone else, feel free to remind 😀 )

  6. I was commenting at the time as ‘Anonymous’. There is a great ‘Tammy’ section where she is telling me to pick a name. Yelling at me..Like this is her site. I’m on my wife’s iphone and she is saying don’t use a name. Just use ‘anonymous’
    Tammy used to go off on people all the time. One time she even went off on Wyatt. Crazy bitch.

  7. It is great to be able to see your early works. This site was built on a strong foundation. I can remember seeing some of that 2009 stuff, but probably from a link to it from another website. The EWE Harmony post is one I recall laughing my ass off about, but my memory doesn’t work so well past … oh, five minutes or so.
    Think I started commenting here in late 2011 or early 2012, I have trouble remembering dates/time. But I do remember some of the names I likely used early on: Reverb Twin, Strike-Anywhere Ukulele, and Self-loading Hippie Cannon, were a few.

    Bookmarked the web archive, it looks like a gold mine of great stuff.

    Goodnight (5:00 a.m.) lol, the rooster is crowing …

  8. Wow, Fur! You picked the day around the same time I started reading iOTW! I don’t remember when I first started to comment, but was reading for a while first. I was commenting on American Thinker as “Franklin” for a while. When I started here, it felt more like family and still does!

  9. In the early, early days of Obama, iOTW was my one and only refuge. I found you guys around the time you did the Pez Dispenser video. And felt so relieved to know there were people out there who were just as disgusted that America elected this lightweight puke. I still love your Obama as the Mad Taxer, Michelle as Lord of the Onion Rings, and one of my personal favorites: Lucille Ball selling Obamameatavegamin for Health. We had some good times back then, didn’t we? Boxing with James Hines. Getting to know each other who commented here. You guys helped keep me sane. You inspired me. So much so that I decided I wanted to do what you do.

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