The AP Would Never Run a Picture Like This of a Democrat – IOTW Report

The AP Would Never Run a Picture Like This of a Democrat

tedcruz_apHT/ twitchy

18 Comments on The AP Would Never Run a Picture Like This of a Democrat

  1. It’s the left’s equivalent of the “halo shot” surrounding 0bammy’s head in many of their “news” photos.
    Then, of course, how many lefties would be in a room with a gun poster, unless it was an anti-gun poster.

  2. As much as they desire to change reality true American Culture is a gun culture. Guns brought this Nation into existence and have protected it ever since. So the little milk toast faggots can pull this shit all they want but it will never change reality. We’ve used guns to eat, for protection for sport and eventually to kill off a tyranical government. This perverse group should start looking for another country to live in because eventually we will be coming for them.

  3. I am tempted to call Homeland Security or the Secret Service or whoever has the most testosterone and least judgment and report that the AP is threatening to shoot a U.S. senator in the head.

    Hey, more ridiculous stuff than this has generated feddle agent visits to peaceful but opinionated folks.

  4. Be ready for it. We have turned the corner and there may be no return. The country has not shifted to the right during Obama’s 6.5 disastrous years. The country is dumber and more liberal than before his term.

    Oh, and this week the SCOTUS will rule that sodomizers can legally marry.

    We are more fooked today than ever before. It is a short ride to hell from here.

  5. HA! Little do they know that this photo INCREASES his street cred just like the Sabo poster (Cruz with tats and a cig hanging in his mouth).

    They meant it for evil, but we should embrace it and crow about how this makes him look more bad-ass!

    “Yup, he’s our guy. Watch out pussies, he’s going to kick your butts!”

  6. Your guy. He voted for fast track. Like Joe said, This is a big fucking deal. I will note vote for anybody that backed that weak ass shit in the primaries. However I will vote for the last person standing in the general.

  7. Man, passive aggressive much?

    Shameful. What would happen if BFH made something like that of 0bama? Or even Hillary or Pelosi or 0malley.

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