How Radical Is This Wise Latino? – IOTW Report

How Radical Is This Wise Latino?

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor

This horrid judge, Sotomayor, was the lone dissenting vote in a case about property rights.

Her view put Americans at the mercy of the government who could circumvent law and utilize a loophole that would allow them to take a person’s livelihood away. This wise latino, sympathetic to the totalitarianism of a banana republic, took the side of the looters of property rights.

Not one other justice took her point of view.

We are down, but not out. There’s still time to gut the left and preserve our freedom.

16 Comments on How Radical Is This Wise Latino?

  1. The Court of Appeals are loaded with radical judges like Sotomayor. And that’s where a lot of Supreme Court nominees come from….

    People need to remember: there are 5 supremes near 80 years old and will retire or fall dead in the near future. If we lose the next election to the dems and the court loses it’s idealogical balance through more lib appointees to the court, it won’t matter who controls the state houses, governorships or congress. The left will have the power through the courts to litigate away the Bill of Rights and put this country right onto the ash heap of history.

  2. Diogenes – the older I get the more I fear that a Constitutional America can only be preserved by extreme bloodshed.

    Despite current opinion, the civil war was fought mainly because southern states recognized that the federal government was usurping powers that were not granted to it in the Constitution. Rather than let the southern states dissolve the bonds (via secession) they had voluntarily agreed to in 1789 in the US Constitution by becoming a voluntary member of a union of states, the federal govt. under Lincoln left southern states no choice but to accept the tyranny of an “all powerful” federal govt. or physically fight against it.

    I am amazed at the parallels that our current situation has with the years shortly preceding the civil war. The political scum in Washington, DC is hell-bent that they are going to force their will on the American people (“gay marriage”, bogus “trade agreements”, completely taking over health care, etc.) “Constitution be damned” and regardless of how genuine American citizens feel about it or how valid legal remedies at the state level are simply ignored by federal appointees.

    Today’s politicians (including federal “judges”) thumb their nose at constitutional restraints that were originally agreed upon voluntarily by the states. Sadly, the only way I see to stop the power hungry charlatans in the federal bureaucracy from destroying the ideal that is America is to physically stop them by force – they have willfully ignored their oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution and it seems that they will not stop unless forced to by a physically superior force of righteous people.

    We’ve tried peaceful measures such as elections, appealing to constitutional restraints, etc., but the tyrants continue unabated against the constitution and the will of the American people because “we the people” allow it.

    I am in no way condoning violent revolution (partly because I am getting “too long in the tooth” to participate), but the more I see transpire, the more afraid I am that this is the only recourse left for honest, decent Americans that believe in God and the American dream that was bequeathed to us by our forefathers.

    Elections don’t seem to matter; the Constitution doesn’t seem to matter; Godly morality no longer seems to hold any sway.

    May YHVH guide and protect us against the evil that is the US federal govt. in today’s world.

  3. “If we lose the next election to the dems…”

    Remember when we were SO happy a conservative like John Roberts was installed as Chief Justice to stave off the liberals?

    Yeah, it feels more like the fix is in no matter who wins, lately.

    I’ll keep pulling levers for Conservatives because giving up is even worse. At least an argument can be made an actual Conservative was wanted.

  4. She sure has gotten FAT in such a short time. Needs to enroll in Mooch’s “Let’s Move” program. Or the Spanish version of the program, “Let’s Move That Bean and Cheese Burrito Out Of Our Face Oh Not So Wise One.”

  5. She’s the one with diabetes. I think it has affected her brain. Diabetes is a disease than causes all kinds of physical issues with the body – including the brain. She won’t last long, she’s dying faster than most of us. Good riddance. She’s probably pissed at the world for it.

  6. Is this another trick question, Fur?
    This a United States Supreme Court Justice that actually asked (and this is a direct quote) – “Is there a Constitutional right to self-defense?”

    I would die happy if I could see this woman’s reaction when karma put her in a position of dire self-defense.

    If she had two simultaneous thoughts they’d collide.

  7. I read excerpts from her opinion, and her thinking on this really is stunning. If ever you wondered exactly who Obammy put on the court, reading this lone dissent should remove any remaining doubt.

    Hope Justice Ginsberg holds on till after Obama, or we could very well end up with the first Wise Muzzie on the Court.

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