Ted Cruz – “If Justices Want To Become Legislators, I Invite Them to Resign and Run For Office” – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz – “If Justices Want To Become Legislators, I Invite Them to Resign and Run For Office”

Wash Times

Sen. Ted Cruz delivered a full-throated critique Thursday of the Supreme Court, saying that it is clear that the “rogue justices” that ruled in favor of Obamacare subsidies are “lawless” political foot soldiers that have joined forces with the Obama administration.

Speaking on the Senate floor, the Texas Republican and 2016 GOP presidential candidate said that if the “justices want to become legislators, I invite them to resign and run for office.”

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23 Comments on Ted Cruz – “If Justices Want To Become Legislators, I Invite Them to Resign and Run For Office”

  1. It’s never been more important in the history of this country that we elect a strong-willed Constitutional conservative President.

    Appointing liberal judges has become the number one method that the corrupt left uses to ignore the will of we the people.

    This shit has to stop one way or another.

  2. This from a guy who has helped relinquish the Senate’s power to ratify treaties, then at the last possible second pretended to see the light and vote against it. Hmmmm, it’s possible that in the end I will vote for him because he is the nominee, but I am no longer on the Cruzmobile.

  3. If you are off the “Cruzmobile”, who are you for? I was pissed when he initially voted in favor of Obamatrade, but it seems he saw pitfalls and changed his mind. I respect anyone who tries to correct a mistake much more than an idiot that sticks to his story like dhimmicraps and RINO’s do. I would have no problem voting for Cruz and I would hope he would select someone like Jeff Sessions as a running mate. This country needs a good dose of conservatism.

  4. Jeff Sessions could a good choice. But getting to the head of the ticket, I am convinced that established politicians are already compromised. Our best hope lies with an outsider that is guided by principled conservative beliefs. I surprise myself in thinking that either Carly Fiorina or Donald Trump or even Ben Carson could be a better choice simply because they are from outside politics. I wouldn’t have thought that 6 months ago, but that is where I am now.

  5. “Ted’s Gonna Cut You Down”

    You can run on for a long time
    Run on for a long time
    Run on for a long time
    Sooner or later Ted’ll cut you down
    Sooner or later Ted’ll cut you down

    Go tell that long tongue liar
    Go and tell that midnight rider
    Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter
    Tell ’em that Ted’s gonna cut ’em down
    Tell ’em that Ted’s gonna cut ’em down

    Well my goodness gracious let me tell you the news
    My head’s been wet with the midnight dew
    I’ve been down on bended knee talkin’ to the man from Galilee
    He spoke to me in the voice so sweet
    I thought I heard the shuffle of the angel’s feet
    He called my name and my heart stood still
    When he said, “Ted go do My will!”


    THX Johnny!


  6. When Roberts swore in Obama in ’09, Roberts eyes twinkled as he coyly smiled at Obama. It was as if he was flirting with Obama or shared a cute secret. (I don’t think that smile was associated with the blooper Roberts made either.)

    The sick feeling I had about Obama winning was nothing compared to the nausea and devastating emotional realization I immediately came to upon seeing that smile. I’ve re-visited that seen many times in my mind and it still makes my stomach and my head churn.

  7. I think it’s more about “adopting” a couple of Irish kids, because Ireland doesn’t put kids up for adoption outside the country.
    And obviously most everybody knows it. It’s kinda like having the Chicago Commies open up Ryan’s sealed divorce decree.

  8. Plain Jane – Sounds like the same feeling I got watching Boehner’s wife and daughter when he was being sworn in as speaker. It was as if they knew what was coming.

  9. nigger, nigger, nigger, wetback, wetback, wetback, pisslamic savages, pisslamic savages, pisslamic savages, insane commie control freaks, insane commie control freaks, insane commie control freaks


  10. Thanks, Magnum. One line screamed out loud to me:

    “What’s done in the dark will be brought to the light”

    Oh, how I have been praying for that to happen! I want the entire world to know what the socialist/left/communist/etc has done to this country and to the world.

    God can start with Obama. I have prayed for the types of scandals that we have been seeing TO BE BROUGHT TO THE LIGHT in such a way the no one, not even the lofo head in the sand worker drones, will be able to talk their way out of acknowledging it.

    Especially the black population in America. I want them to see just what they have been voting for – and I want them to get mad. Real mad.

  11. Cruz makes excellent observations that should be battle cries, yet the trolling RINOS in congress are determined to assist the left in destroying this country.
    Ditto, Claudia, an the black left will never turn on Obama until he cuts off the government gravy train and declares his hate for them to their faces. It’s a sick twisted relationship.

  12. I love the new bill proposed that SCOTUS and their staff MUST experience the joys of Obamacare.

    Just like congress, they exempt themselves from laws and regulations that they would not inflict upon their own dogs, but hesitate not a second to smother America.

  13. This is getting ridiculous. When Cruz is elected president, one of his first actions should be to add 8 conservative justices to the Supremes, and rewire the federal judiciary by adding new circuits and cutting off the salaries of the old circuits.

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