What Katie Pavlich Saw TSA Do To a Veteran Amputee – IOTW Report

What Katie Pavlich Saw TSA Do To a Veteran Amputee

tsa-katie-pavlich-soldier-amputeeclick image to see bigger



10 Comments on What Katie Pavlich Saw TSA Do To a Veteran Amputee

  1. But of course it is beyond belief that a grievously wounded veteran, having lost limbs in a pointless war waged for reasons other than to protect and defend the U.S. and its Constitution, might be just a little bit angry about that, or might have such a severe case of PTSD that he sees the world around him as a violent and dangerous place full of people who want to do even more harm to him than has already been done. No, no way that could be. Uh-uh.

  2. Ten years ago I saw airport security almost completely force an elderly crippled lady out of her wheelchair in order to check behind her for god-knows-what, and all the while she was yelling, “You’re hurting me!”. She got no response from them, not a “sorry”, not an “excuse me”, not even a “kiss my ass”. Nothing.

    Sounds like things have gotten even worse since then.

    I used to fly frequently. Not any more.

  3. That’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

    The TSA has been proven to be 95% (or is it 97%) ineffectual at stopping contraband. It is there to do two things: 1) make it look like “something” is being done; and 2) get everyone used to following every ridiculous rule people who are accountable to no one decide to come up with this week. You WILL comply. You will get used to being told what to do.

    Want to make planes safer? Make airlines liable for security. But of course, then we wouldn’t have sure-fire employment and snappy blue gloves for the low end dregs of the population pool.

    All my vacations now are within driving distance.

  4. Pure ass bastards! they shouldn’t be able to do this crap to the hero’s…..the last time I flew was about ten years ago. I have some paralysis in my lower leg that makes me wear an ankle brace…no big deal, I’ve managed for 30+ years….I’m no hero….so the bastards take me to the side and make me take off the brace and my shoes and have a dog come and sniff my foot….LOL….I liked the dog….then they brought over a bomb sniffing gadget and THEN they swabbed out the brace for bomb like components…my foot too….crazy shit this is…..

  5. That is why I do not fly.
    The TSA does not exist to protect anything.
    It exists to give the ‘appearance’ of protecting the country from hijackers. All they protect us from is a creme rinse incident.
    In order to be Politically Correct they render themselves useless.
    Instead of profiling likely suspects, they must waste resources playing the Politically Correct Game
    These asses have the gall to molest the repose of a soldier.
    A soldier that gave his very limbs for our protection!
    Like it ain’t hard enough to get around the house with those kinds of injuries, let alone travel.
    Damn them to the deepest depths of Hell.
    And the absolute imbecile that carried out this search should be rendered down for his water content.

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