Slow Down There With the Charges of Racism… We Have Angry Gays in the Mix – IOTW Report

Slow Down There With the Charges of Racism… We Have Angry Gays in the Mix

The media is quick to say these fires are by racists. Why can’t these church fires be the work of angry gay people over what the pastors have said about gay marriage?

SIX black churches stretching from Georgia to Ohio are burned down in seven days: Fears of tide of ‘racist’ violence as three are confirmed as arson

SIX black churches from Georgia to Ohio are burned down in a week

Places of worship in Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Ohio were ravaged by flames this week in what could be a string of racially-motivated arson attacks. Authorities are sure three of the fires were deliberate, while the possibility is being left open for three more. The affected churches were (top row, left to right) the Glover Grove Baptist Church in Warrenville, South Carolina; the Briar Creek Road Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina; the Fruitland Presbyterian Church in Gibson County, Tennessee; (bottom row) the College Hill Seventh Day Adventist church in Knoxville, Tennessee; College Heights Baptist Church in Elyria, Ohio and God’s Power Church of Christ in Macon, Georgia.

30 Comments on Slow Down There With the Charges of Racism… We Have Angry Gays in the Mix

  1. Muslims burn down their islamic centers all the damn time so they can scream about oppression and collect insurance money. I’d be checking the books at these churches to see if they are struggling financially. Some of them could be striking the hammer while the iron is still hot in Charleston.

  2. Anonymous, it’s true that they recycle incessantly, and we laugh at them because the textbook defintion of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, but then suddenly they get the result they want.

    The current crop.of burning black churches is most likely the result of insurance fraud, bad wiring, and manufactured martyrdom, but if Hillary starts railing against the KKK in her best black voice, she might get all the black votes she needs.

  3. Could be space aliens, too. Or spontaneous discombobulation due to excessive frammin’ on the jim-jam. Or even from normalizing the alice barackbars.

    I mean, as long as we’re speculating…

    : )

  4. I’m with Finai, it’s Obama inspired anarchists. I’ll change my mind when they show real video of a pissed off Southerner doing it as they would have you believe. Sorry main stream media, you have no credibility except as professional liars who did not go to law school.

  5. How long before we hear that fully half of the KKK, (otherwise known as “Domestic Terrorists”), is on a mission of terror?
    ……We need to find those two guys!
    Dollars to donuts sez this is cooked up by the Øbamboozler’s mis-fits, con-men and rabble-rousers.
    Can’t find a “good crisis”?
    Can’t find any racism?
    Destroy and fabricate.
    We’ve seen it before in Ferguson and Baltimore.
    We see it in phony Gay oppression.
    We see it in “Global Warming” as well as the intentional destruction of Health-care and the economy.
    It’s just a puzzle piece that fits perfectly!

  6. Presbyterian, Seventh Day Adventist, Church of Christ – but no AME?

    Doesn’t pass the smell test.

    And the Baptists coulda just got drunk and grilled inside, again.
    (that’s sarcasm, but if you want to be offended, let me know)

  7. Seventh-day Adventist believe that the Pope is the antiChrist. Had a neighbor who was one and sat in on a few of their Bible studies. They’re a strange bunch of people….I can see why they would be targeted. They would wear it as a badge of being persecuted.

    Unfortunately, they also hold many false and strange doctrines. Among these are the following: (a) the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon; (b) the pope is the Antichrist; (c) in the last days, Sunday worship will be “the mark of the beast”; (d) there is a future millennium in which the devil will roam the earth while Christians are with Christ in heaven; (e) the soul sleeps between death and resurrection; and (f) on the last day, after a limited period of punishment in hell, the wicked will be annihilated and cease to exist rather than be eternally damned. (For rebuttals of many of these ideas, see the Catholic Answers tracts, The Antichrist, The Hell There Is, Hunting the Whore of Babylon, The Whore of Babylon, and Sabbath or Sunday?)

  8. Stir up anti- cop sentiment, they get attacks on cops.
    Stir up anti-white sentiment, they get attacks on whitey.
    Stir up anti-Christian sentiment, well, would they be that obvious?

  9. We don’t have too many Seventh-day Adventists around here. We mostly have Seventh-day Atheists. That’s people who don’t believe in going to Church on Sundays.

    ; D

  10. Gay Supremacists? The horror! Ever notice there are no black supremacists or Islamic terrorists,but everyone is quick to label the motivation of white men as supremacist in nature? If I was a White-Islamoprick Terrorist attacking black lives that don’t matter, what label would I be given?

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