I see no reason to try and articulate this sentiment in a more elegant way – IOTW Report

I see no reason to try and articulate this sentiment in a more elegant way

It occurred to me that this picture should be after the read more – (it’s about gay marriage. Sorta NSFW.)


31 Comments on I see no reason to try and articulate this sentiment in a more elegant way

  1. It is really a shock when a young woman (or young man) who has grown up in a Christian family and has been somewhat sheltered to realizes these creatures exist.

    This is why they want to expose young children to their perversion, they’re trolling for victims, and trying to make kids accept this behavior as OK, but at the same time degrading normal sexuality.

    I can’t think of a funny line here. Somebody help me out.

  2. I just think throughout all the debate the elephant in the room that is avoided is what the act is.
    I remember that maniac Jim Hvlac (the gay blogger I gave lots of airtime to, only to see him threaten to kill me) trying to claim that homosexuality was so much more than the sexual act.
    I asked him to verbalized the specialness with facts, not opinion.
    In the end (heh) homosexuality was nothing more than a guy who lusted after man ass. That’s it. End of story.
    Is this valuable to society? Why?
    Marriage is an exalted institution, like it or not. Gay sex doesn’t fit into that institution. Never will.
    I used to pretend gay marriages were just like real marriages for the sake of being polite.
    They’ve pushed it too far.
    Now I’m not going to be polite.
    The marriages are a joke.
    They are not like man/woman marriage. Not at all.
    They are like people who pretend their dogs are their children.
    We don’t confront these people out of politeness.
    But if you go to SCOTUS to try and legitimize that your poodle is just like a son….
    I’m not going to be polite anymore.

  3. Our government, and the left are actively engaged in trying to convince the population that something inherently repugnant to heterosexuals in normal. It is in our genetics to want to reproduce. It is that way in all species. Homosexuality is not normal. No law or judicial decision will convince me otherwise. Our country’s colors are red, white and blue, not a f#@%ing rainbow.

  4. concur!
    dig deeper and you will find that queers worship the young. once they pass their expiration date of youth and beauty with eventual dependance on diapers, next.

    my former brother in law who lived in ny is an example. over the course of 25 years, he went from being the young hot screw boy to being the older balding screwer.

    money made him more palatable to his latest victim. and it never lasted long. btw his mom is a harridan, his dad mia and he is an alcoholic. zero father figure with domineering female role model.

  5. What sodomites actually do is beyond comprehension for the majority. Their distain for the sacred borders on demonic. They abhor normalcy. The homosexual lifestyle is usually packaged in a fabulous, glamorous parcel with a pretty, multi-colored bow on top.

    And they want you to accept their deviancy. Embraced it or be vilified and destroyed.

    They have been very successful in their endeavors. For now.

  6. “It occurred to me that this picture should be after the read more – (it’s about gay marriage. Sorta NSFW.)”

    Too late – had it up when coworker came by. It was hard to explain.

  7. No one can convince me that depravity is in any way normal, because it is not. No amount of screaming, attempts to label me a bigot, or general name-calling will change the fact that what gays and lesbians do is depraved and abnormal. Tolerance is what they first demanded, and they pretty much received it. That’s all they get from me, and I reserve my right to revert to intolerance any time I so choose. I’m close, because of their crass and uncivil behavior. So, I’ll be a “hater” and a “homophobe” and a “bigot” to them. So what? I’d tell them all to go fuck themselves, but they’re already doing that.

  8. Gay marriage was never about “equal rights,” it was, and is about forcing acceptance of a gay lifestyle on the general public. The arguments about being able to see a partner in the hospital or inheriting property are bullshit – most of this stuff can be taken care of by wills, trusts, powers of attorney, etc. etc. Most states have some sort of civil union statute on the books, and no one really cares if two gays live together.

    Marriage is what normal people do. It’s not enough that a person has a right to be homosexual and live with another homosexual – gay marriage has to be sanctioned because gays want to be considered normal. But attend any gay pride event, particularly in blue states, and you will quickly learn that the lifestyle gay activists are promoting is anything but normal. Most people recognize this, so homosexuals have to resort to the Supreme Court in order to obtain an opinion from five out of nine justices that what they do is o.k., and everyone has to be forced to recognize this.

  9. I don’t see any 300 or 400 pounders among the bunch and they need luv too, doncha know? It seems the “gay” lifestyle is among the young and gorgeous. When you get older, you turn into that pink lady with the hanging boobs a couple days ago.

  10. BFH, TY for your comment.
    I am preparing a rant that I have been thinking about since a post at CTH. Hope I can get it done in a timely manor. For now,”Don’t use the word gay.” The words for that are homosexual or lesbian. The pro-aborts changed kill to choice. The devil is all about deception and euphemisms are deceptions.

    Cutesy (I couldn’t watch the program) Will and Grace among other programs never touched the seamier side of homosexuality. The push to show homo as mainstream goes back to the book _After the Ball_, written to show how to mainstream homosexuality.

    One read of the practices of homosexuals (if it is not written in a titillating manor) shows the degradation involved with homosexuality. But that was kept from view of polite society (the devil operates in darkness).

    It is coming out slowly now, but society has already lost much of it’s revulsion for it because unfortunately sodomy is practiced by many straights (some unfortunate married straights use it as birth control), fellatio and cunnilingus are extremely common with straights and made popular by Bill. It wasn’t a big jump to rationalize use of those same practices on people of the same sex.

    The world needs a good dose of Theology of the Body.

  11. The Totalitarians are pushing the pervert agenda to destroy what is good and decent in the world, not necessarily to elevate what is repugnant. When they rise victorious over the ashes of civilization, they will annihilate the pervert community, knowing full well that it is a force for division, not unity.

    And their world will be one of universal conformity.

    If you are expecting fireballs to fall from the sky and end this reign of absurdity, you are gonna be sadly disappointed. Re-read Maccabees I. “The Lord helps those who help themselves.”

  12. Gays may seem like ‘nice’ people in public, but their ‘real’ behavior, within the privacy of their abodes, is simply depraved. Two bolts (males) cannot marry, two nuts (females) cannot marry, but a bolt and a nut can and do…that was for those of us who truly understand hardware.

  13. I hadn’t really thought about that. They present themselves with rainbow colors, poodles, minks, glitter and frill and all kinds of prissy whatnot when it reality they are wallowing in a shit-smeared, stinking act straight from the gutters of skid row. A room full of those guys ‘expressing themselves’ would smell like a small back yard of someone who owned ten german shepherds. Filthy, depraved stench. Doesn’t that stench signal humanity that it’s wrong?

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