Bernie Gains On Hillary – IOTW Report

Bernie Gains On Hillary


“With a chance that Sanders has both noise and numbers in his favor, and with seven months left for him to win over voters in Iowa, Hillary should resist the urge to be dismissive of his newest fans as extremists and fanatics and start plotting to win them back to her side.” – Slate

16 Comments on Bernie Gains On Hillary

  1. Before OBoy’s getting elected, I would have automatically said, “I hope he gets the nomination; he’d be easy to beat.”

    But not anymore.

  2. That’s a lot of ass, even more than Mooch. She really fills out those pantsuits, and not in a good way.

    If Hillz hasn’t driven a car in forty years, Bernie had better borrow Obutthole’s girlie bike helmet.

  3. …Hillary should resist the urge to be dismissive of his newest fans as extremists and fanatics and start plotting to win them back to her side.

    By doing what? Reciting to them the democrat party platform? Because it contains everything any socialist could ever dream about.

    Sanders will not run as a third party candidate because he knows it will be either a democrat or a Republican that wins. He also knows that the RINOs will cave to a democrat president but the socialists still want one of their own directing the narrative from the White House.

    Hillary is no different than Sanders.

  4. Bernie doesn’t have the eeevil capitalist $ to run “Independent” anyway…pity, ’cause he’d be a good “spoiler” for the Dems.

  5. Love how Slate takes exception to Hillary calling Sander’s followers “extremists and fanatics”. But when such insults are thrown at those who revere the Constitution..well that’s just mighty fine.

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