Pier Shooter Admits He Was in San Fran Because It’s a Sanctuary City – IOTW Report

Pier Shooter Admits He Was in San Fran Because It’s a Sanctuary City

Well done, lefties. You got a woman killed because of your lawlessness.


Barnard: “Did you shoot Kate Steinle, the lady who was down at Pier 14.”
Sanchez: “Yes.”
Barnard: “You did shoot her?”
Sanchez: “Mm hm,” he said with a nod.


Then he tries to explain why he shot the woman. It starts out with him saying that he took sleeping pills that he found in a dumpster. He claims that because of the drugs he doesn’t remember a thing about the shooting. However, it turns out he does remember the shooting.

Barnard: “Where did you get the gun?”
Sanchez: “In the ground. When the… when the… over there in the bench, um, um, I put my leg and I see the one T-shirt and then see over there something like that.”

He claims a gun was wrapped in that T-shirt and that it went off when he picked it up.

“Then suddenly I heard that boom boom, three times,” Sanchez said.

What a lucky day for this hardworking immigrant. First he finds sleeping pills and then he finds a gun. As hard as that is to believe, his description of the gun going off three times by itself is positively confounding. Guns don’t just go off; they fire when someone pulls the trigger. They definitely don’t go off three by themselves; that would require three trigger pulls. Maybe with his luck in finding things, he came across a fully automatic handgun that fires when picked up. Then again, maybe he’s full of sh*t.

San Francisco won’t do anything to help the feds deport dangerous criminals, but I bet this incident will have them passing a law to close the “t-shirt loophole” that allows felons to find guns wrapped in t-shirts.

He claims he kicked the gun into the San Francisco Bay, lit up a cigarette, and walked off, not knowing he shot someone until he was arrested by police hours later.

This part of his story is bunk as well. As reported by SF Gate:

Sanchez fled after the shooting, prompting an extensive search. Witnesses at the crowded pier took cell phone pictures of the assailant, which police forwarded to officers fanning out along the Embarcadero. About 20 minutes later, officers found Sanchez hiding in a cubbyhole in a pier near Townsend Street.

He didn’t light up a cigarette and calmly walk off, not knowing what he did. He knew he shot Steinle and fled to a hiding place. It wasn’t hours before he was arrested; it was minutes. The only thing that he said that wasn’t a lie is that he kicked the gun into the water. A police dive team was able to recover the weapon.

Here’s the part of the interview that will have Donald Trump saying, “I told you so.”

Barnard: “Why did you keep coming back to the U.S., why did you come back to San Francisco?”
Sanchez: “Because I was looking for jobs in the restaurant or roofing, landscaping, or construction.”

Sanchez said he knew San Francisco was a sanctuary city where he would not be pursued by immigration officials.


27 Comments on Pier Shooter Admits He Was in San Fran Because It’s a Sanctuary City

  1. I feel his pain . . . I don’t know how many times I’ve taken drugs I’ve found in a public trash can, sat down on a park bench to have a cigarette and found a t-shirt wrapped around a gun. That then fired three times on its own.
    Poor guy just couldn’t help it.
    The guy was just looking for a job . . . probably waiting for that $15 an hour wage to kick in.

  2. So the gun went off three times when he picked it up? I just hate it when that happens to me. And though I never found a gun in a T-shirt I don’t know how many times I’ve found guns in hollowed out copies of Dreams of my Father.

  3. I don’t know which emotion wins on this one for me – sadness or anger. I also don’t know the laws but the family ought to have the right to sue the city of SF for $100M.

    This beautiful girl would be alive today but for the incompetence and dysfunctional thinking run amok, compliments of the left. They should be held accountable for protecting this scumbag.

    This could have been any of our daughters or sons. Tragic beyond words.

    If I ever have to be in SF (but I doubt it, since I despise that filthy hole), I am carrying, illegal or not. Fuck their law. At some point, you HAVE to be able to protect yourself and the lives of your loved ones.

  4. Dianne Feinstein is responsible for much of this. Certainly for the S.F. gun laws. She should be hauled in front of a Congressional Committee. And the hopefully sued in civil court by the victims family members.
    New Bumper Sticker Alert:
    4 Americans Died
    Hillary Lied

  5. It is really an outrage just how many cities and states have declared their sanctuary status. It seems to me that the State of Washington is a sanctuary state, their are others no doubt.

  6. wait a minute, doesn’t sf have gun laws?

    how in the world of man, could an illegal immigrant who had been previously deported 5 times get back in this country, get a hand gun in a hand gun free sanctuary city and kill a citizen?

    this cannot happen. sf and california have laws against all of this, don’t they?

    I also want to know why an illegal immigrant who was deported 5 times wanted to get into this racist violent country in the first place? didn’t Mexican authorities warn him against coming here? we stole this land to start with. why go to a criminal country like the usa? why oh why any Mexican would leave his wonderful country to come here just to kill is beyond me.

  7. Every person involved in making it a sanctuary city is culpable and should be held responsible for manslaughter.
    This ‘hard working immigrant’ crap must cease.
    These people commit a crime every day they are here. They are not innocents. They are from the bottom rung of Latin American society and could give a shit about our country or our laws.
    Deporting them is stupid with the porous border.
    Cut their Achilles tendons and catapult them 500 feet into Mexico

  8. “wait a minute, doesn’t sf have gun laws?”

    Here’s how fing stupid these idiots are. In San Fransisco you are not allowed to carry with Hollow Points. Hollow Points are almost all Frangible. So if a hollow point hits something hard, windshield, signage, whatever, it spend it’s energy and goes no farther. Traditional Hardball will just keep going punching holes thru indiscriminate targets (people) until it spends all of it’s energy. With a name like Hollow Point they just gotta be bad right?

  9. He says he found some sleeping pills in the garbage and then took them. Then he found a T-Shirt and in the T-Shirt was a gun and when he picked up the T-shirt the gun just went off 3x’s. Oh, and he was in San Fran because San Fran is a Sanctuary City. I would run with that defense in San Fran. After all San Fran is a place where your gender is not determined by your birth, eating a twinky can result in justifiable homicide, Jim Jones was a “Reverend” and guns kill people, as in the actual gun exerts it’s will whereby innocent people are killed and people are never illegal.

    If I was Francisco Sanchez I would be planning my law suit against the city of San Fran for wrongful detainment, infringement of civil rights (he was deported 5 times after all), for not being provided with a safe environment (after all San Fran is a place where sleeping pills and feral guns camouflaged as T-Shirts are allowed to lie in wait to be picked up by some unassuming innocent bystander only to murder whoever happens to be by that innocent bystander once he falls prey to the evil gun’s intention) and for having my feelings hurt.

    If that was my daughter I would be with USN Dude, filing my lawsuit against San Fran for 100 million.

  10. First & foremost , my heartfelt condolences to Kate Steinle ‘s family. From a previous article , it was said that her last word’s where ” dad help me ” .

    This kind of shit going on today is getting good people killed , hey liberal left…THE BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS . However your ideals & petty tyrant laws to other human beings who retain their natural rights are handcuffed with your touchy feely bullshit .

    You see , had a good person been armed kate would still be with us. You & your ilk continue continue to push your marxist policies that go’s against man’s natural right to life.

    Be damned you fools on the left . When , NOT IF WHEN , the john galt’s of the world rise up , best get out of our way . We will be armed with knowledge {our ability to reason} & weapons .

    S.F.Y. Out …

  11. I own a bunch of lazy guns. They haven’t killed anyone, robbed a bank, or even celebrated the New Year with a few rounds overhead. How can one person own so many defective guns?

    Who should I contact to get these replaced with guns that work the way the media says that they do?

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