McStain tries to claim that calling people “crazies” is a term of endearment – IOTW Report

McStain tries to claim that calling people “crazies” is a term of endearment

When I say that McCain is a crazy, old, lying sack of yak poop I mean that in the most affectionate way.


18 Comments on McStain tries to claim that calling people “crazies” is a term of endearment

  1. First comment on the list hits it on the head:


    Overlooking the obvious, I still want McCain’s apology for 2008, the gang of 8, immigration defeatism, and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory any number of times.

    I say this with affection. (A-hole)

  2. “…to be honest with you.”

    Whenever you hear this, wave the BS flag.

    I was also taught by my dad (just before he belted my ass) that you need to have a good memory to be a good liar.

    In my case, I worked hard on my memory.

  3. Funny, cuz “he’s not a hero” is a term of affection, too!
    So is “captured,” come to think of it.

    And “piece of shit” is MUCH more respectful than “bucket of shit,” both of which characterize McCain.

  4. You can bet he doesn’t want any sunlight to shine on exactly what he revealed while at the Hanoi Hilton! We know the NVA had at least TWO filing cabinets full of info he divulged! But did they use that to turn him a shade pink?

  5. Yep – just watch what would happen if my husband called me crazy. He uses many terms of endearment, and that ain’t one. ‘Cause some things are just *intuitive*.

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