Walker Turns Table on Ambush by Illegals – IOTW Report

Walker Turns Table on Ambush by Illegals

In an attempt to embarrass Governor Scott Walker (WI-R) while on the stump in Iowa, Voces de la Frontera shipped in a family of illegals to demand that he not deport them if he were to become President.

Scott Walker and Illegals

Walker’s response-  “I understand your situation but, “We are a nation of laws.” He went on to describe how he will first close the border and then deal with all the illegals who are here breaking the law. 

Funny that a bunch of illegals, fearful of being deported, would turn up at a campaign event and give their name and town where any ICE agent worth their government salary could track them down.


I wonder what the left will try to ambush him with next?

16 Comments on Walker Turns Table on Ambush by Illegals

  1. If I had to choose to hold my nose and vote for that ticket or sit it out, at this moment it’ll be the first time I didn’t vote for a presidential ticket.
    We’ve been fooled too many times before and I listened to the lecture about how I had to vote. This time, they can talk until they’re blue, but if I don’t like the ticket, I’m not voting.
    Let the lectures begin.

  2. AND: Don’t forget that slip of a staffer saying how Walker’s “strategy” will be start “on the right” and move to the center, once the base is secured.

    MY A§$.

  3. Loco don’t be discouraged. Cruz has the message, he has the intelligence and he raised the second most amount of money behind Bush so far. This election is ours for the taking.

  4. At this point,
    Clinton, Bush, Rubio (just another RINO protege, like Ryan, among others…)?!?
    ?Entiende, Senor?


  5. Nice story, but the criminal invaders should not be here and, therefore, should not be available to confront him over their illegal status! The overt and crass liberty the criminals have taken in thumbing their noses at us and at our laws is despicable. Has Walker made any indication that if he is elected t the criminals will be gone from this country and lost to history?

  6. It WOULD have been nice if Walker had smiled, shaken their hands, and called out,


    But that would have taken balls Trump.

  7. Voting for the RINO or not voting are not the only two options. Why don’t you write-in your candidate of choice? That’s what I plan to do. I agree with you, govlawyer. Romney was the last time I will hold my nose and vote.

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