Tuesday – Trump Says He Won’t Run 3rd Party / Thursday – Trump Says He Will Run 3rd Party – IOTW Report

Tuesday – Trump Says He Won’t Run 3rd Party / Thursday – Trump Says He Will Run 3rd Party

Tuesday –



Donald Trump called into Dana Loesch’s show on The Blaze last night for an interview with the conservative talk show host which touched on topics ranging from Planned Parenthood to the VA. Trump more or less gave predictable answers to all the questions — except for one.

When Dana Loesch asked Donald Trump about the possibility of running third party, The Donald categorically ruled it out, saying:

“I will only ever run as a Republican.”

This statement is (as Trump would say) yoooge — it is the first time he has ruled out a third party run, and his response flies in the face of conventional wisdom.


Thursday –

I’ll ‘absolutely’ consider third-party run


Consider for a moment that Trump is only in this to help the, and I quote, “terrific lady, Hillary Clinton.”

You have to watch out for Trump. Get too close and you’l get burned.


80 Comments on Tuesday – Trump Says He Won’t Run 3rd Party / Thursday – Trump Says He Will Run 3rd Party

  1. “Make America great again.” Not if you run third party. You wouldn’t win by running third party but instead would guarantee a liberal victory. If you really cared about this country and not your massive ego, you’d do everything in your power – including endorsing someone other than a democrat.

  2. He made a mistake saying he would not – the Establishment RINOs then felt free to say whatever disparaging things about him they wanted to – should have kept them guessing

  3. If, after the Florida primary, Bush is the obvious nominee, all rules are off. If Bush is the nominee, that will almost guarantee Clinton with or without a third party because more people will stay home then 2012. Something has to break.

    Run third party Donald. This D vs R crap has got to stop.

    As Rhetts girl said, at this point, what difference does it make?

  4. Ken Langone (the founder of Home Depot) was talking about this on Fox Business this morning, reminding everyone of Perot’s run in ’92 that clearly cost H.W. the election (well, that, and H. W. looking and sounding old, bored, and tired, and screwing us with new taxes after he promised he wouldn’t, and his embrace of the “New World Order”, the “gift” of the A.D.A. act, and a few other things I’m forgetting now), but he had a funny line.

    “Better to have the Donald inside of the tent pissing out, than outside of the tent pissing in”, he said.

    He also suggested that McConnell and Boehner step aside, as EVERYONE out here in the real world know that they’ve done NOTHING for us. They’ve failed.

    There should be a national Republican outcry for their heads, and hell, if shame counted anymore, they’d slink out of town with their tails between their legs. Of course, shame is not in fashion anymore, even for “republicans”.

    My personal feelings about Trump are surprising to me. I never thought I’d be back here again after Perot, but I do not believe that conventional voting or conventional politicians will NEVER right this ship. As such, if an unconventional President can save us from ourselves without having to collapse the entire country into chaos, I say let’s go for it. Shit, why not?

    Washington is an incestuous shithole. And Hillary and Jebbie are card-carrying cousin-fuckers on that front.

    So after eight years of Obama/Boehner/McConnell/Pelosi/Reid/Holder/Jackson/Koskinen, etc., Trump just can’t be any worse.

    And he might even be excellent, as failure isn’t the way the Donald is wired.

    Weird times require weird solutions.

  5. Ronald,

    you fail to understand that a third party will only put a Democrat in the White House. Just ask HW Bush.
    A third party can’t win because of the way the electoral college is set up.

    If Trump runs as a third party….Hillary wins. Simple as that.

  6. I don’t care. I don’t owe the republican establishment anything and neither does Trump. I have cast my last vote for a Republican establishment type. Either the Republican Party nominates a Constitutional conservative or else it will not matter anyway.

  7. There is one other way: The GOP chooses a conservative candidate, who loves this country, and who wants to win the election.
    They haven’t done that for over 30 years, but the last time they did it, Reagan won by the largest margins in history

    Trivia question: Remember John Anderson ???

  8. GMAFB! They’ve got some nerve calling ANYbody clowns.
    After the huge victory in 2014, they’ve done NOTHING!

    Self edit: They have done some things, but they’ve all been wrong.

  9. Shit!!! I had September!!!!
    Well that was quick!

    Which party? There are about 7 I can think of right now.
    And most of them never won anything. LOL
    I don’t see how this helps Trump. Everyone I know says, “I like him but I don’t trust him”. Well, here’s the not trusting him part, plain as day.

    It was fun for a while. Now back to bidness.

  10. Highway to the Danger Zone indeed.

    Someone once made the skeptical remark that, were it Bush and Clinton, and Trump were to run Independent, that the three of them would end up going off arm in arm for a drink afterwards with whomever won (likely Hillary), since Trump benefits from “the Elite” as much as any of the others.

  11. Charlie-

    Damn straight! Know them by their deeds, not their endless blather.

    The “republicans” have FAILED US! It’s almost cute how many of us on the right side of the aisle think that the RNC and the Chattering Pundit Class or ANY of the normal channels or conduits can, or even want to, deliver us ANYTHING more than more of the same. Which is, as we know, a big fat ZERO!

    Folks! Face it. It’s irrevocably broken! The Republicans are flirting now with Whig-dom. They’re so disconnected that they can’t even smell it. Nope, they are looking at wandering the political wilderness not just for an election, but forever.

    Don’t drink the conventional Kool-Aid. At least allow yourself the freedom to consider the unconventional. Remember, Reagan bullied his way to the top, dragging the RINOs of his time kicking and screaming the whole way. They love them son Ronnie 30 years on, but he had to show them the way.

    And now they’ve forgotten the lesson.

    Can Cruz or Walker ramp it up? So far, it looks to me like a big no. We’ll see, of course. But consider- Trump’s unconventional drive might be our ONLY WAY to get a real fighter in 2016.

    I want a fighter, dammit. If we go down, by God, be swinging for once as we do!

  12. This is what made me LOL:

    ” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump now says he will “absolutely” consider a third-party run for president if the Republican National Committee is “not fair” to his Republican bid. ”

    Because the RNC Always supports who the public wants, right?
    LOL. What better way to stick it the the RNC by STAYING as a Republican candidate? Or is it just about doing it his way and fuck everyone else? He knows what Perot did to Bush.
    He’s not strong enough to stand as a 3rd party person. What part of we like him/don’t trust him doesn’t he get?

    Have mercy, we’re gonna get another demented, mouth breathing ronald j ward in the whitehouse. lol

  13. Sparkious, you made me chuckle.

    I’m not a Hillary fan by any stretch but there’s no one in the GOP clown micro bus any better. I’d vote Hillary over any of the lot.

    But that’s not the point. The point is, as you correctly pointed out, being electable.

    Thing is, a few weeks ago this blog was abuzz in Trump genuflections, all bowing at the waist and chanting Trump! Trump! Trump! I was making fun of you guys then with my “go Trump” rhetoric. He wasn’t electable then nor is he now.

    Now, it’s as if someone has led the lot of you into the optometrist office to have your eye bandages removed and it’s like “wow, I can see. Trump’s an abject assclown and has about the same odds of a treefrog of winning”.

    Trump was an assclown then and he’s an assclown now. He was doing Damage to the GOP then and he’s doing it now. As long as he’s in the running, the more damage he does.

    If he keeps running as an R, Great! As an I, even better!

    GO TRUMP!!!!

  14. Do you need a drool cup, hun?
    You see your dummies aren’t doing as well as trump in the polls, riiiight? And that whole people keep rushing the stage to boo dems isn’t working out so well for you guys, either.
    But keep dreaming.
    You’re so adorbs.

  15. That would be a blessing. Since I have cast my last vote EVER for a Republican establishment type and would never cast a vote for any Democrat since Scoop Jackson, it just might give me someone to vote for should the Republicans putt the same crap they did in the last two Presidential elections. Not that I am a big Trump fanboy, I’m not, but he would be better than Jeb Bush or Hillary and I can’t say that Jab Bush would be any better than Hillary or that Hillary would be any worse than Jeb Bush.

  16. Forgot to add. Loony Ward. Do you even understand how screwed this nation is already? Do you really think ANY of the candidates are going to make things any better right now? LOL.
    Or are you happy with your swill and bucket? Is this all you ever wanted? Can you look passed your voter registration cards? (I said cards because I assume you voted 3 or 4 times for 0bama)
    People like you don’t learn until something really bad happens to your wallet and your health.

  17. What a freaking joke. The republicans will blame a loss on Trump going third party? Typical BS, blame the other guy. What, they can’t come up with a candidate the Trump supporters would support? Piss on the Republicans. If it’s Jeb vs third party Trump I’m voting third party. One day it’s GO TRUMP the next it’s TRUMP GOES THIRD PARTY HILLARY WINS. I have a sneaking suspicion there is more here than meets the eye. Trump didn’t get where his is by being stupid.

  18. Anklestraps, you’re arguments would be better served if you could contain yourself rather than going all aflutter. Your 1st comment gave an impression of you as a moon howling radical but you then removed any doubt with the second. And I’m actually trying to be charitable.

    You are correct that Trump polls way ahead of the rest, in both fields. But historically, that isn’t uncommon as we saw the same with Ben Carson, Michelle Bachmann, and similar whacko birds in recent years. Early polls draw out the batshit crazies who support the batshit crazies. It happens all the time. But as time goes on, the more mature will crush the loony birds.

    My only hopes are that Trump starts his 3rd party machine up before the coocoo for cocopuffs cool off and he realizes how much of a profound buffoon he is.

    In the meantime, and after, GO TRUMP!!!!!!

  19. This is sorta funny though. I think Trump may be trolling the RNC like he trolled McCain, Miss Lindsay, and some other RINO whose name escapes me.
    (You know, kinda like how nature trolled Ronald J Ward).

    Rinced Prius opened his flap about Trump recently, didn’t he?
    This could be why. If that’s what this is, kudos. Pretty funny.

  20. Trump is an asshole but I’d still vote for him over Hillary. The country is a joke now, might as well be entertained while it flushes the remaining way down the toilet.
    All the idiotic third party talk is just that – idiotic. Trump is threatening to run third party to hold the nomination hostage. There is no chance of winning on a third party ticket and insures a Democratic win. Which doesn’t matter anyway because the country is in the shitter and only a slim chance of getting a Scott Walker Conservative to run, win and put this country back on a path of repair and prosperity.

  21. If you are a Conservative trying to decide who to support in 2016, there is just one thing you must realize, and that is that Donald Trump only exists to break your heart.

  22. I concur 1000%. If Jeb is the candidate, then I have no problem with Trump running 3rd party and I will vote for him. Don’t care if Hillary gets it at that point in a Hill/Jeb election because the country will be finished off after 4 years of either of them. I would rather Hillary take the downfall than to see another Bush in there and the libs screaming for 24 more years about how a Bush ruined the country.

    Now if say Scott Walker or Ted Cruz is going against Billary and Trump runs 3rd party? Yeah that I would have a problem with.

  23. I’d rather see cruz or paul, but i doubt they will survive florida unless they ramp it up. Take off the frikking gloves and hammer ’em. Throw caution to the wind, cuz we are dying and just one president from away from this country being declared brain dead.

  24. If Hillary runs against Jeb without Trump, Hillary wins anyhow. Even if Jeb somehow pulled that one off, he is barely a pulse above her and it will be more of the same. Nothing will get better, it will only get worse.

    Except then the media and the low info voters will be screaming for the next 50 elections how the Bush clan destroyed the country. I’d rather have Trump derail Bush and let Hillary take complete ownership for the final nail in the coffin of the country.

    This lesser of 2 evils is no longer agreeable because Bohnher and McConnell and McCain are all the lesser of 2 evils and see where they have gotten us.

  25. “” Ken Langone (the founder of Home Depot) “”

    CO-Founder. His POS co-founder, Arthur Blank was just happy as shit have thousands of messican shit roaming the aisles and buying while UNDERCUTTING LEGAL constructiuon workers wages for years. And, I believe he pushed for fucking amnesty as well – to GWBush. one of the first retail spaces to hang bi-lingual signs in their stores – which kept me out for a few years until the “Pro America” lumber yards went out of business.

  26. The reason a third party candidate can’t win is because most people are ASSHOLES.
    Their vote has nothing to do with choosing a candidate they’ve given thoughtful consideration to, it has everything to do with- “one day they put the 2% milk in a different display case at Publix and the morons were lost and panicking.”

    Trump could poll at 60% as a 3rd party candidate and the day of the election he will get 15% of the vote. Why?

    Hate to be harsh, but that is the sad reality.

    Have you been out in public lately?
    It’s sad.

  27. Ya’ll just wait. Hillary will not be a candidate. She promised to run after all that money she received, but there will be a fall, major sickness, or accident that will take her out of the race. It is all planned so she can rest at home with $150 million in the bank. She has to put up a front or those money lenders will come looking for her and Bill’s heads.

    Trump is a good businessman, but I don’t see him giving up his prestige for a measly $400,000 a year job.

  28. Hate to break it to you Mr. Pinko but Scott Walker is not a Conservative. He is already saying he wouldn’t mind having RINO Rubio as his VP. Walker has a lot of people fooled right now but just wait you’ll see I’m right in time.

  29. Fur, my two aunts and uncles lived in Port St. Lucie. They were not stupid. Every year my parents would get boxes of grapefruits and honeybelle oranges from their trees. Good memories. Hope you are enjoying it there. Wish I had one of those orange trees in my back yard.

  30. Trump could pull off a third party win. Comparisons to Ross Perot and not valid. Ross Perot talked like a hick. A nonstarter north of the Mason Dixon. Remember Perot’s running mates opening line in his first televised speech? “Who am I and how did I get here.” That guy was as dumb as a box of rocks. People are stupid. But the level of frustration is incredibly high. Just look at Trumps poll numbers. I for one hope like hell if I see Hillary and Jebs name on the ballot on November 8th I also see Trumps as a third party candidate. I know who I’m voting for.

  31. I’m with ya, Brad. I’m DONE with Bushies and Clintons.

    People aren’t contemplating just how interesting Trump could make this. Since he doesn’t have any use for the normal decorum and traditions of the RNC, what’s to stop him from naming a VP and a complete cabinet now? Surround yourself with equally dedicated specialists. Paint a vision that’s the stark opposite of Obama’s dreary gray-colored Marxist squad.

    Run it like a business. Go at it as a team.

    If you want to give the American voter a glimpse of what’s possible, to my mind that would be an excellent start.

  32. I’ll wait and see how things start to shake out.

    I like Trump, but he’s … mercurial.

    Cruz – Good.
    Walker – Good.

    Any of em better than Clinton …
    except Bush.

  33. None of them are as “conservative” as I – Walker would be an improvement over Obola and better than Clinton.

    I think, at this point without really “knowing,” that Walker is a “principled pragmatist” – though I could be mis-reading him.

  34. @ Bad_Brad:

    Except Trump, just like Perot does not want to win. If he gets to far in the lead, Trump will just claim that space aliens abducted his future wife, claim the GOP knows about it and go third party to muck up the works. Trump has an exit stategery….and an agenda.

  35. “This is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.”

    Going out on a limb here. If anyone of the current candidates, other than Cruz, Paul or maybe Walker, Santorum or Trump, get the nomination, our country is done for sure. The slow cooking of our republic will just continue under the RINOs with fast cooking under the socialists commie party. Then, what difference does it make? Well, with fast cooking, maybe the frogs will jump out of the pot. With slow cooking we are done for in a little longer time.

    Jeb Bush wins, Everything is done. Anyone so asinine about Common Core has no common sense. At all.

  36. Yea Chief if he starts setting up a team and an infrastructure and showing people how it’s done he could be unstoppable. That’s what I expect him to do. He already gave a little hint that he’s headed that way with the 1-800 number and e mail for suggestions on how to fix the VA. Even though he already know the answer to that one.
    We need to get he weak shit out for the good of the country.

  37. Sean

    Consider the ego for a moment. Are you telling us you think Trump is immune to capping off his career with being The Most Powerful Man on Earth?

    Is there any part of what you’ve seen from this man that tells you he doesn’t want to be pictured on American currency in the future? Setting the agenda for the entire planet?

    He’s 69 years old. This isn’t some kid jerking off for his buddies; he’s done and seen it all. We’re talking about capstones here. Capstones to a career that the rest of us, worrying about whether Social Security can holdi out until our own saggy asses drop and need it, can only DREAM of.

    Don’t sell him short. He’s not like the rest of us.

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