Hillary email server contained emails with info from FIVE intelligence agencies – IOTW Report

Hillary email server contained emails with info from FIVE intelligence agencies



Hillary has said in recent past that she didn’t send or received classified emails from her private email server. This report doesn’t debunk that, as it says the emails weren’t classified at the time.

However the emails did contain secret information from five different intelligence agencies, suggesting that had her email server been hacked, this information could have gotten into the wrong hands: more

5 Comments on Hillary email server contained emails with info from FIVE intelligence agencies

  1. “What difference does it make” when all your supporters are either watching midgets argue on television or cooking organic meals with enough hair dye and make-up to kill a small village ?

  2. Also has the e-mails from Obola (Jarrett) and to the moslem brotherhood to murder Amb. Stevens.

    EVERYBODY doing on-line business with her, from the very first day, knew she had a private e-mail server. EVERYBODY’S lying.

    The only relevant question is: WHY?

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