“You’d think they’d be nicer to me on my birthday.”

obama hissy

FrontPageMag: It was his birthday and Obama was grouchy. 

“It’s my birthday and I’m going to be blunt,” Obama told the Jewish leaders meeting with him. When they complained that, “Words have consequences, and when they come from official sources, they can be even more dangerous,” he was unapologetic.

“If you guys would back down, I would back down from some of the things I’m doing,” he warned.

By that he meant that if they stopped objecting to the Iran deal, he would stop accusing critics of his nuclear sellout to Iran of being money-grubbing warmongers.

Obama complained, “It’s been a really busy day. You’d think they’d be nicer to me on my birthday.”  MORE


14 Comments on OBAMA VS. THE JEWS

  1. I wonder if this headline is meant to include the Jews in Palm Beach and Broward County, the UWS, and Boro Park. Or si it just Obama vs. the Jews in Israel.

    One of the most loathsome scumbags in NY politics is Chuck Shumer. If a dope like me was able to figure out the peril that Obama posed to Israel before they elected him why couldn’t those stupid American “jews” figure it out too ?? Especially the putz Shumer and his “son” Carlos Danger… an awful lot of sexual shenanigans, underage kids, strangers, hush hush, type stuff with these weirdos…

    It is ironic that most Catholics and Christians in the U.S. care more about Israel than most American Jews do. I cant help but root for the average Israeli Jew, they are good people. I’m not referring to the Black Coat Jews, the Elites or the rich that give many cause to be critical over. I’m talking about their average, non aggressive regular people. They are some of the most beautiful people you will ever meet.

    On the other hand, so many of the “average American jews” seem to work hard at being hated. Their enemies call them ignorant, undeserving, arrogant scumbags. I often hear they “are the enemy of Israel and of the United States”. Chuck Shumer is one of the ring leaders of these traitorous bags of medical waste. I am waiting for the day I wake up and see the headline that Chuck was found “unresponsive” in his Georgetown “flat” as they like to call it. Lol… please let that day come soon Lord.

  2. If I worked in the White House kitchen it would be my last day as I baked a cake for Barry with trick candles with figures of Trump and Netanyahu on top.

  3. After all these years of crapping on the jews, and still getting their money and votes, Barry knows he can say or do anything to them. What the hell’s wrong with those people? Degrees up the ying yang yet dummer than a hemlock stump.

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