“Hillary in more trouble than people think” – Judge Napolitano – IOTW Report

“Hillary in more trouble than people think” – Judge Napolitano

A Hillary Clinton insider must have tampered with ‘Top Secret’ documents by removing the markings that identified those documents as ‘Top Secret’, which would be a felony.

Hillary’s inner circle has someone who is covering up for Hillary or they are tampering with the email classification to send it to Hillary’s private server. The intelligence community stripping the markings is unlikely. This leaves the felons to be Hillary or her circle.


As it seems, the noose is tightening on Hillary. Or maybe its Huma Abedin, the Muslim Brotherhood agent? The snow is melting and all the crap laying under is quickly being revealed.

Hillary is in more serious trouble than most think. Here, Napolitano explains further:

Video at link

29 Comments on “Hillary in more trouble than people think” – Judge Napolitano

  1. And yet she will never see the inside of a jail cell and most likely will remain the democratic front runner. I will not get my hopes up until she is taken away in shackles or an “unfortunate” incident like a plane crash befalls her,

  2. I wear tropical shits. I consider it an insult to my taste to have in her in such a shirt. horizontal prison stripes would suit her much better. I agree Petrus, as much as she and many others deserve prison they won’t ever get there.

  3. Have to agree.

    There is NO justice in Post-America, nor will there be, until We, the People of the United States, re-establish and re-ordain our Republic and hang all the traitors and their parasitic hordes.

    ALL the traitors.

  4. And Meghan Kelly thinks Trump is unqualified to be President because he called Rosie Odonkey a fat pig… which she is and said some other mean words to some other fat pigs. I hope Ambassador Stevens is resting in peace. He was a friend of Hitlery.

  5. MY key question is:

    HOW do those responsible ensure Hillary Clinton HERSELF – and NOT some flunkie subordinates of hers – takes the fall for her own crimes?

    I know…politics doesn’t work so openly in realitiy. I just wish SOME THINGS were released to the public to show – pardon my devotion to the naive concept – TRUE JUSTICE is served`?

  6. Just like she had her own server, she’ll have her own prison. “Trust me, I’m serving my time, I’m making license plates, I’m breaking rocks, I’m rehabilitating.”

    J/K, she’ll get off with a few bribes to the right judge and prosecutor.

  7. She’s pretty much used to being a footstool and following the orders of the moslem bros. After being forced to marry and sexually satisfy Weiner and then told to sexually satisfy Hillary Clinton, she’s probably looking forward to a stint in a nice, quiet jail cell.

    With lots of toothpaste and baby wipes.

  8. I watched Judge Napolitano on tv the other day wherein he explained that documents do not need to be stamped Confidential, Secret or Top Secret to be classified. They were automatically classified according to the content. No authority has to declare the information classified and add them to a list.

    If public knowledge cause a little damage – It’s Confidential. If disclosure would cause Serious Damage to National security it’s Secret. If disclosure would cause higher damage, death, loss of a military base, or US Embassy, over throw of the government, etc,
    it’s Top Secret, Stamp or Not.

  9. I hope, nay, I dare to dream that The Sea Hag gets arrested.
    But back in the real world:
    My bet is that she has a ‘medical issue’ caused by the ‘stress’ of dealing with the Vicious Attacks from Right Wing Extremists and would, but for her fragile health continue the fight but lo she has a Grandchild in the Pupae stage and the Republicans have wounded her too deeply with their lies and conspiracy theories.
    If I could work my will, I would have Cartman from South Park appear just as her lawyers break it to her that she has to drop out of the race.
    . Cartman:. Oh, let me taste your tears, Hilary! … Mm, your tears are so yummy and sweet!

  10. Won’t happen. But IF it does, it would be interesting to see all-out thermonuke war between the Clinton and Obama cults…just imagine the secrets that could ‘accidentally’ come out.

  11. Why Rush is great:


    RUSH: I think Mrs. Clinton is taking the memory pill. I think they’ve already given it to both Clintons, and they have forgotten that they were in the White House and they have forgotten the corruption that they sponsored and the perjury that Bill Clinton suborned. They have to have forgotten it in order to be saying the things that they are saying. For example, on June 28th, Democrat debate, Hillary Clinton said this. “Nonviolent offenders should not be serving hard time in our prisons. They need to be diverted from our prison system.” Yet in a press release on July 2nd — what is that, four days later — Hillary Clinton said about the Scooter Libby commutation, “Today’s decision is yet another example that this administration simply considers itself above the law. This commutation sends the clear signal that in this administration, cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice.”

    …from July 5th 2007

    The Bitch of Benghazi needs to be frog-marched.

    “Nonviolent offenders should not be serving hard time in our prisons. They need to be diverted from our prison system.”

    Yeah, you cling to that hope, Hickory.

  12. love the Judge, he has the law, reasoning & sound judgment on his side……unfortunately, I’ve never seen once where his arguments have been upheld in reality……
    the rule of law is no longer in place, only rule….
    (you heard it here first)

  13. It probably looks similar to that ad for a small German car years ago that said “it accelerates to 60 as fast as you can shit.” I haven’t ever forgotten that ad in the newspaper.

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