Supposedly Cute Video – IOTW Report

Supposedly Cute Video

I find this disturbing.

Screen Shot 2015-08-22 at 8.16.45 PMvideo ^


29 Comments on Supposedly Cute Video

  1. Brad, I’ve had cats all my life but one particular favorite was a 20 pound male tuxedo who was pure muscle with an unflappable disposition. He loved baths so much that I once thought I’d killed him. He so completely relaxed against my arm in the water I thought he was dead. He wasn’t. He was just laid there all splayed out like he was relaxing in a hot tub. The craziest thing I ever saw a cat do!

    I have one now — also a male tuxedo — who comes running any time the toilets get flushed. He likes to watch the water swirl down the bowl. Cats are weird, but I love ’em.

  2. I think I’ll restate my original position. Like the cat in the video, the over whelming majority of cats don’t like baths because they are naturally afraid of water. Therefore this is torturous in nature.

  3. Brad–some people who have cats bathe them because of allergies. In actuality people who claim to be allergic to cats are really allergic to their dander. Medicated shampoos (some are dry and you spray them on) greatly reduce the cat’s dander.

  4. Don’t worry, Fur. Cats who don’t like water will act like you’re committing the worst kind of atrocity to them when you give them a bath (which may be necessary sometimes for some reason). Then when they’re all dry and clean they forget the whole thing and are purring as happy as ever.

  5. Cats are strange creatures. The cats I have known were all different, each with a distinct personality. Your typical housecat is essentially a scaled-down version of a tiger, one of the most magnificent creatures ever to walk the Earth.
    Certainly they are different than dogs. They are not pack animals, so their relationship with humans is completely different.
    The loyalty of dogs is legendary. This I believe is due to their perceived status in the “pack,” in which their owner is the alpha dog.
    Cats on the other hand are generally more solitary and self sufficient. (An exception is a pride of lions.) I find them less needful of constant attention than dogs.
    This may account for some people’s preference for one over the other as a pet.

    A comment to a recent post here at iOTW characterized cats as “assholes.” I declined to respond at the time, but I must say I disagree. Perhaps a look in the mirror is in order.

    My current cat is a rescue cat. He was a feral kitten whose mother and siblings were killed.
    He has proved somewhat of a challenge to raise, but has become a happy, well adjusted companion, neither fearful nor skittish around strangers. Since he was young he has been accustomed to ride on my shoulder like a parrot. Neighbors think this is delightful, and I get a kick out of it too.


    Cat in the video did not seem overly distressed, Certainly not panicked, but vocal.

  6. Rando, You and I could have wonderful chats about cats! Your rescue kitty sounds wonderful. About five years ago I rescued a stray who was on the verge of death. He’d show himself around our gardens foraging for food, but he was elusive until starvation drove him to trust me. He is now a sleek, muscular and contented boy. But he’s still fearful of sharp noises and strangers. And he is so attached to me that my family call him “Personal Kitty”, because he will not follow anyone in this house except me. I guess I’m his “momcat”. And sweet? He almost gives me cavities!

  7. I don’t bathe my cats, but when I’m in the jacuzzi, sometimes they’ll jump in. That woman doesn’t need a pet, she needs a padded room. Terrible the way animals are treated.

  8. Had two Burmese cats, they loved the pool and hot tub, we bathed them regularly in the shower, holding them and soaping them up with flea shampoo, bugs didn’t bite me either.
    They were awesome hunters, delivered a dove, sans head, at the back door, daily during bird migration. One would gambol in the grass, out of range, the dove knew they were safe. The other would sneak up behind while the dove were distracted. They used the toilet too, I swear, didn’t train them, they just did it.
    I would guess because we had a septic tank and poor drainage, not flushing each time we peed was a clue for them.
    Wife divorced me and took the cats, damn, I miss those cats.

  9. This cat needs to take a dump on somebody’s computer keyboard or launch one of those stealth guerrilla warfare campaigns against said human, the likes of which only cats can undertake and emerge from looking totally innocent. (They blame the dog with amazing boldness and alacrity!)

  10. When I moved to a new house and the contractor came in, Bootsie went up the chimney. I had to remove the flu flapper to get her out. We both had a bath after that.

  11. Shuda used Johnson’s No more tears shampoo for cats.

    Actuallly it would be disturbing if anyone bought that as opposed to just dumping the thing into a deep sink and going to town

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