Florida to rename ‘racist’ Old Dixie Highway after Obama – IOTW Report

Florida to rename ‘racist’ Old Dixie Highway after Obama

Ensign Pulver predicted that the term “Dixie” would be next on the progressive chopping block.

The city council of Riviera Beach, Florida voted 4-1 on to rename a stretch of Old Dixie Highway as “Barack Obama Highway.”

“There might soon be a place where Barack Obama and Martin Luther King Jr. meet — and it won’t be just in the hearts of Americans who revere both men,” the Post gushes. Presumably it means Barack Obama Highway will intersect Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard somewhere in the town, although they didn’t feel it necessary to explain the obsequious remark further.


They should name it The Barack Obama Always Highway

44 Comments on Florida to rename ‘racist’ Old Dixie Highway after Obama

  1. My comment about it a week ago:

    “In January, Mayor Thomas Masters told Gossip Extra he wanted to change the name because the word “Dixie” brought up too many bad images.

    “I want Old Dixie renamed,” Masters said at the time. “When I think of the name, all I can think of is slavery and horrible things.”

    –If that’s ALL he can think about the name, I recommend a therapist. I am sick of public policy written to address personal psychosis.

  2. They took a so called rayciss name and gave it a REALLY rayciss name. In addition to being rayciss its also humiliating and in your face. If you want to name something after 0bama, how about a sewage treatment plant.

  3. I am rubbing my hands together in anticipation of the day when the burning red faces of the racists who worshipped Obama have to confess what absolute fools and complete eejits they were, that they rode along on a cultish trend and put not an iota of considered thought into sending that savage lover to Washington.

    It won’t come fast enough.

  4. Never will they confess. They truly believe the idiocy. Well, maybe they will confess once someone sells a 99 cent iphone app that tells them they were wrong and need to confess. Otherwise, won’t happen.

  5. Forget the highway.
    Just rename Riviera Beach to 0bamaville, or maybe Johnsonville after ole LBJ. It’s a perfect example of his “great society” after 50 years

  6. There might soon be a place where Barack Obama and Martin Luther King Jr. meet…

    And that would be one intersection YT would need to stay away from. It would perhaps be convenient to have a police station there…

  7. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

    George Orwell, 1984

  8. We should take a bigger step forward as this should be about women and children instead of narcissism and racism. Malaria Avenue and Stash Boulevard need to intersect.

  9. “When I think of the name (Dixie), all I can think of is slavery and horrible things.” Jeeessuus! This guy sounds like a flaming homosexual.
    I wonder if he was ever in the service? When I think of Dixie I think of the great soldiers from Dixie I served in the Army with.
    Jett Colms, Mickey Lofty, Jake Woods, and yes, Robert E. Lee, to mention but a few. Lee was indeed a desendant of the General
    A great guy.

    Fuck you Mayor if all you can think of is” horrible things” when you hear the word Dixie. You are a lickspittle.

  10. Why isn’t anyone demanding that KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd’s name be removed from the federal courthouses that are named after him. Or any of the numerous buildings and highways named after him. There are dozens.

    This KKer actually contributed to blacks being killed and assaulted and created a Kkk Belief system in young people that they carried forward their entire lives. I demand they erase him from the history books and all monuments.

    The dumb, incompetent repubics just can’t bring themselves to demonize the Grand Wizard Democrat Legend.

  11. ” when I hear the name “Obama” all I can think of is racism, terrorism, destruction of America, and horrible things.”
    But nobody asked me, because I am white.

  12. What about Dixie County?
    Oh, that new name isn’t anything controversial. If I lived there and they changed the name, I’d have to move. Couldn’t live on a street named after a racist.

  13. My little burg is getting ready to erect a sign commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Dixie Highway.

    Every Father’s Day weekend is Driving the Dixie Days when vintage car enthusiasts from the Chicago burbs head south, stopping in small towns along the way.

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