How Low Can We Go? – IOTW Report

How Low Can We Go?


41 Comments on How Low Can We Go?

  1. Me, me, me, me, me, me, me,me! It’s all about ME and how HOT I look!

    This vile, pusillanimous, rotten to the core slug actually has a nature evil enough to tell a murdered baby to RIP while she takes a selfie bragging about the “weight loss” that accounts for the mass of an unborn baby and its support system.

    It is impossible for a fire to burn hot enough to mete out justice to this piece of human trash.

  2. we haven’t hit rock bottom yet.

    the bottom will be the selfies of women with fist’s full of cash coming out of the pp building after having directly sold their unborn fetuses for quick cash.

    if the congress doesn’t act now to stop this horrific practice, then this will be the next step.

  3. Never. The Left is always in a relentless pursuit of its own nadir. You think it can’t be worse only because you, a decent human being, do not actively seek ways to make things worse. But the Left approaches the lowest spot of humanity with a pick axe and a shovel.

  4. “NO BASHING”?

    So, you want to do what you know in your heart isn’t right. You just don’t want to get called out on it.

    THAT’S the problem, folks. This generation wants to live without rules, but doesn’t want to suffer the consequences that come with it.

  5. Conscience?

    She knows it’s a baby, because she posts RIP baby.

    I’m agreeing with TN Tux’s indictment of the left. They find the lowest spot, and drive it lower. But why???

  6. It’s a real pity her parents didn’t beat the shit out of her earlier in life. Now she’ll be out there making another baby. I’d like to say God help us, but am afraid God is going to judge us something awful.

  7. Outwardly, Leftists proclaim that they believe in a classless society, where everyone is equal. But in truth, they believe a society of equals cannot govern itself, and therefore requires a ruling class to provide governance. Such a ruling class would have to demonstrate its superiority to the common class if it were to have any hope of ruling over it – a common class that sees the ruling class as being no better than themselves would revolt against being ruled by it.

    Since superiority is often seen as being relative – and since it’s easier for unskilled and ignorant people to drag down others than to demonstrate excellence – the ruling class (as well as those who aspire to some day be a part of it) praise and glorify the worst and lowest of society, hoping that they will be seen as wise by comparison, and therefore worthy to govern the masses.

    For them, it doesn’t matter if society collapses as a result. The fly on top of the dung heap has options the beetle on the bottom does not. For them, it is better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven.

  8. The only thing that helps me deal with such heinous behavior is to know the young woman will have to answer to the True and Living God. I’m heartbroken for that precious baby who was murdered. I’m sad and afraid for the sick, twisted young mother. She will no doubt pay for what’s she’s done – for eternity, if she refuses the Lord’s saving grace and mercy. Typically, people as far gone as this young woman never regret their actions.

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