All of these products are available at Blood Bath and Beyond – IOTW Report

All of these products are available at Blood Bath and Beyond

Sent in by Jerry Manderinunnamed-3

19 Comments on All of these products are available at Blood Bath and Beyond

  1. I wonder if an American Christian family could do the same thing – a setup like cair did with this kid. Send a Christian kid to school with a pipe-bomb-looking flashlight that actually lights up to show to his hijjab-wearing teacher. But have the entire thing video recorded and have somebody like the ACLJ involved.
    I wouldn’t wait too long to do it though, it would work better right on the heels of the current moslem hoax job.

    Might make for a good compare & contrast to highlight the special privileges given to moslems in America.

    That’s a great picture, by the way.

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