Walker Leaders in Iowa Sign Up With Rubio, Cruz, Christie – IOTW Report

Walker Leaders in Iowa Sign Up With Rubio, Cruz, Christie

marco rubio

Walker Leaders in Iowa Sign Up With Rubio

ted cruz  Chris Christie

Cruz, Christie Pick Up Walker Supporters in Iowa


Video: Scott Walker Suspends Campaign, Encourages Other Republicans ‘To Clear the Field’ to Stop Trump.

He didn’t use Trump’s name here, but everyone knows who he’s referring to.

8 Comments on Walker Leaders in Iowa Sign Up With Rubio, Cruz, Christie

  1. He [Walker] then talks of focusing on a ‘limited number of candidates who can offer a positive conservative alternative to the current front-runner’ (that would be Trump)

    Hoo boy. Somebody sure did get to Walker.
    The longer this nonsense against Trump keeps up, the more support he’s going to get.

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