NYC Progressives Try To Progsplain Why It’s “Different” When They Oppose Integrating Their Children’s School – IOTW Report

NYC Progressives Try To Progsplain Why It’s “Different” When They Oppose Integrating Their Children’s School

Progressives are evil, evil bastards who sneer at other people who won’t integrate, calling them bigots, while they themselves won’t integrate their privileged child’s school.

They have ridiculously hollow eye roll-inducing excuses at the ready, ones that they’ll stick to until the bitter end, all the while convincing themselves that they aren’t like those “racists” they despise.


17 Comments on NYC Progressives Try To Progsplain Why It’s “Different” When They Oppose Integrating Their Children’s School

  1. I just rolled dead chicken and fish guts in the garbage can down the driveway. The smell is so bad it burns the eyes. Days like these I wish there were progs around to share the experience.

  2. How did they become progressives? Did they eat or drink some potion that scarred their brains for life and made them stark raving idiots? Is there no cure for this type of madness and self-delusion?
    Inquiring minds want to know!

  3. Their propensity for self-delusion is staggering.

    They don’t see it as hypocrisy. They see it as looking out for their children’s educations. The “poor” folks don’t REALLY GAF about education, so, whatever their children need is immaterial. And all the education in the world isn’t gonna help a DAN, anyway, is it?

    (see, for the hypocrites, Carson, Sowell, and Williams probably have some “white” blood)

  4. The problem is we have subverted the normal behavior of mother nature and survival of the fittest. In prior days, the evolutionary processes would have prevailed and they would have died in infancy of the ‘Rotting of the Brain Syndrome’! Now they live into old age and are mentally incapacitated when it comes to detecting severe mental flaws in themselves!

  5. Leftism requires hypocrisy to exist. Of course leftists would send their children to good schools while demanding that others send theirs to shit holes. It’s the same way with how they take jet trips all over the place, drive their SUV’s, and live in McMansions but expect everyone else to move into a mud hut with no electricity to save the planet from global warming. It’s the same as how they want to be able to spew the most vile, hate filled rants at people they disagree with while demanding those same people be silenced. It’s the same as how they demand people give up their guns, while they live in gated communities or have armed bodyguards. It’s the same as how they call people bigots while screaming hateful things to or about Christians and white people living in rural areas. I try hard not to hate people, but leftists make it exceedingly difficult for me not to hate them. They’re insufferable hypocrites. They have to be, because they’re leftists.

  6. there are many other examples of liberal hypocrisy. Such as:

    No guns for you, but I have armed security

    low cal crap food for your kids cafeteria, but my kids go to private school and get filet mignon

    Prius for you, I ride in jets and have an entourage of SUV

    white kids can’t chew a pop tart into the shape of a gun, but a muzloid can bring a fake troll bomb into class and gets celeb status

    illegal immigrants get shipped to your town to take care of, but not my gated community

    0bamacare for you, but not my union or corporation that donated to 0bama’s campaign or for congressional office

    we need wind and solar power so put windmills in your back yard but not mine


  7. “More than one Dumbo parent has tried to explain to me how they’re totally different from other people who fight against integration. They explain that what they really want is a better world in which we spend far more on our public schools, not mentioning, or perhaps not knowing, that New York city spends $20,331 per pupil, almost twice as much as the national average of $10,700, and that much of this money is spent very inefficiently. Of course they want integration, they’ll tell you, but only if it entails no sacrifice on their part. “It’s more complicated when it’s about your own children,” says one Dumbo parent. Well, yes, it is more complicated, and that is exactly what every parent believes, whether they are in Brooklyn or South Boston or Kansas City.”

    Read more at:

    In other words, throw more money over to 307 and leave my kids stay put in 8.

    In fairness to the progressive parents of Dumbo, their concerns are not entirely unfounded. Poor students tend to fare worse than better-off students academically, for a variety of reasons. They are also more likely to have serious behavioral problems, which is really the more pressing concern. According to Robert Cherry of Brooklyn College, these behavioral problems flow from the fact that these children face serious stresses that no child should ever have to face. Poor families are far more likely than better-off families to experience multiple-partner fertility, in which mothers have children with more than one father. Though children in some multi-partner-fertility families thrive, Cherry has observed that multi-partner fertility is associated with high levels of father abandonment and child maltreatment. Boys with absent fathers are far more likely to engage in aggression, rule breaking, and delinquency than boys living with both parents, and they are also far more likely to face multiple suspensions. (Indeed, these problems are so pronounced for boys raised in single-mother-headed households that one wonders whether single-sex schools staffed with teachers with specialized training might be the best way to give these boys a fighting chance at succeeding in school.)

    Read more at:

    In other words, I understand how shitty 307 is, and that my kid(s) will have his/her lunch money stolen daily in addition to getting his/her ass kicked periodically. Oh dear God, please don’t send my fantastic children there! Noooooo!

    I don’t expect the progressive parents of Dumbo to be thrilled about the prospect of sending their children to P.S. 307. But my hope is that they will come to appreciate that their children are no better than the poor children growing up in their midst, and that what these children need, and what all children need, is what their own children tend to take for granted: stable, loving parents who are capable of keeping them safe.

    Read more at:

    You, “…Don’t expect…”? Dream on. Their children ARE better in their pussy eyes. Soft liberals; squeeze and watch the shit come out. LOL

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