The Wrecking Ball – IOTW Report

The Wrecking Ball

I now see why Limbaugh and Levin are not bashing Trump.  I believe they see him this way also.
Read about it HERE.
Trump is the wrecking ball!!

15 Comments on The Wrecking Ball

  1. I call Trump the “Snow Plow”. If you have to get somewhere and don’t have what it takes, follow the plow. Let it clear the road for you. Follow the leader so to speak. Now, if that plow breaks down or runs out of gas, do you stop and wait for the next plow or do you try and make your own road? For to long so many candidates are waiting for the next plow to come along. I am tired of that way of thinking. I’m waiting for the first guy (or gal) to just pass right by and forge their own road! I think that guy is Cruz, but only time will tell. I do know that sitting there idling, almost out of gas, waiting on the next plow is not the way to get there first. That’s called “leading from behind” and we can clearly see how that is working for us…well at least Putin can.

  2. Trump isn’t just an unwelcome distraction or an inconvenient development for the GOPe.

    He’s a poison arrow flying straight from us to their very heart. And his righteous poison will then spread to every extremity of the GOPe, from the courts to the Congress to the States.

    And the delicious, hilarious part of this is that they STILL don’t see it coming.

  3. Sad, but entertaining to see. They (GOPe) continue to use this approach to their own destruction. The more they try to disparage Trump, the greater Trump looks in the eyes of voters.

    It’s been eye-opening to see the depth of the the GOP’s deception.

    “He said Republicans must communicate with heart and say, ‘We like legal immigration and we like helping people.’”….yea, that’s a good one, Fredo.

  4. Trump has “binders full of women” who are Miss USA contestants.

    If he put a dog in a crate on top of his limo roof it was the best crate ever ‘made in Ametica’ with reinforced steel and airbags. The dog had an amazing view of Trump Tower.

    Romney may be a nice man but seriously 3 times is not the charm-it’s just sad. We don’t need nice-we need a bull in a china shop.

  5. I even heard Steven Moore, who actually WROTE Rand Paul’s tax plan, singing praises over Trump’s plan on the radio this morning.

    I think his inevitability is starting to dawn on people who instinctively aren’t drawn immediately to him, but are now coming to see the dire need for him.

    Say I!

  6. I called that tax plan Brilliant the other day and only a few got it. He’s the only guy that figured out how to sustain the government while he winds the gov down and waits for the private sector to spool up. It’s common sense at it’s best. You know, like a fucking good Business Man.
    He’s not a wrecking ball. He’s not a hired gun. He’s a RINO killer. They are all out front a center in a big ass panic now. To late bitches.

  7. “He’s done this simply by putting sunlight on issues and taking firm stances that all others in/around the same issues have apparently lied about for years.”

    He’s not just puuting sunlight on the cockroaches, he’s blowing out the gaslight we’ve been under fkr years. Sure, he’s a blowhard, but it’s going to take a hyooge set of lungs to blow that gaslight out.

  8. True. What they’re failing to see is that they (gop-e) are our common enemy. They still think we’ll come back home in time to vote, and fail to realize, we ain’t!

  9. Let’s see if I can improve and correct a couple of Mitten’s musings:

    Romney said he sees the Republican contest breaking into two brackets: “the more insurgent, outspoken, tea party perhaps bracket” and “the more mainstream (conservative) –PROGRESSIVE SOCIALIST– bracket.”

    Romney was definitive in predicting the front-runner’s fate: “Donald Trump will not be the nominee. Ultimately our nominee will come from the (mainstream) –TEA Party– conservative bracket. I don’t know who that will be.”

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