But transgenders aren’t mentally ill… – IOTW Report

But transgenders aren’t mentally ill…

Breitbart — A North Carolina woman says she is happier than ever after fulfilling her lifelong wish of becoming blind.

Jewel Shuping, 30, has Body Integrity Identity Disorder, which is a condition where able-bodied people believe they are meant to be disabled, according to Barcroft TV.

Shuping said that her fascination with blindness began when she was about 6-years old.

And we know of other 6 year-olds who think they have the wrong genitals. It’s all mental illness.

26 Comments on But transgenders aren’t mentally ill…

  1. Heard this yesterday on Rush and could hardly believe it. What is especially disgusting is the fact college educated and licensed mental health providers actually abetted this poor woman’s sickness.

    Next thing you’ll tell me is that they’re cutting off men’s genitalia because they think they’re really women.

  2. Welcome to Bizarro World!


    OBOLA is Preznit!
    Hillary Clinton is running for Preznit!
    Bernie Sanders is doing better than Hillary!
    Joey Biden is outpolling BOTH of these criminals!
    The IRS is handling Health Insurance!
    The EPA is making law!
    The SCROTUS pulls pervert “rights” out of its ass!

    The Sheeple look up, bleat mournfully, and STILL are not fed.

  3. Whatsoever house I may enter, my visit shall be for the convenience and advantage of the patient; and I will willingly refrain from doing any injury or wrong…

    — Excerpt from the Hippocratic Oath, to which every doctor swears.

    Pandering to the mentally ill is a staple of liberalism. Which is why all liberalism must be eradicated.

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