Which sign do you want at your kid’s school? – IOTW Report

Which sign do you want at your kid’s school?


ht/ VirginWizard69

7 Comments on Which sign do you want at your kid’s school?

  1. Joe Biden built this bullshit with his 1990 Gun Free School Zones Act – signed into law by a Booooosh!! We are basically no different than Israel now – we need to keep our guard up at all costs.

  2. Which sign do I want? Neither. Let’s go back to being America again. Where a kid could bring his new rifle to school and show it to teacher and classmates. Ditto his boy scout knife.
    Sheriff David Clarke just ripped Geraldo Rivera a new asshole on the Hannitty show on the subject of gun control.

  3. Dang I would’ve liked seeing Sheriff Clarke ripping Geraldo, but when they said GR would be on after the break. I changed channels.

    Anyway, in Israel they use the sign on the right, which stopped attacks on schools.

  4. The sign on the right needs a few bullet holes through it to “enhance” the point.

    The sign on the left needs to be in arabic and espaniss…and probably braille, too.

  5. Instead, the kids and their parents sign a release of liability that states “Your school is in a gun free zone as designed by your Liberal representatives therefore, you are a sitting duck.

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