Racist Daily Beast Calls a Black Man A Liar – IOTW Report

Racist Daily Beast Calls a Black Man A Liar

A black man had an incident at Popeye’s chicken. A thug came in and put a gun up against his side during a robbery. The Daily Beast, uncharacteristically, has questioned the veracity of the black man’s story.

Normally, the Daily Beast is knee-jerkingly on the side of the black person, never questioning any claims, no matter what they are. (See Sean King, Rachel Dolezal.)

But this black man is Ben Carson. Ben Carson is an Uncle Tom. A coon. Ben Carson is a liar.

7 Comments on Racist Daily Beast Calls a Black Man A Liar

  1. Interesting how the left completely believes that the Baltimore police of 30 years ago was all competent and believable when they claim not be able to find the police report on a Pop Eye robber from the 1980s, but not so much for anything they do today.

    I wonder what caused the big change?

  2. So let’s recap. When a democrap tells a story about themselves, it is assumed to be true by the MSM until it can be proven false by a preponderance of the evidence (at which time it is ignored as “yesterdays news”). When a republican tells a story, it is assumed to be a lie until it can be proven true (at which time the charge of liar has been repeated so often is is believed by the general population).

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