So What You’re Saying, Yoga Lady, Is That You’re An Idiot? – IOTW Report

So What You’re Saying, Yoga Lady, Is That You’re An Idiot?

Remember the yoga lady that said whites need not apply to her yoga class? Look at this idiotic apology:

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In her original e-mail blast she said:

It specifically identifies “lesbian, bisexual, gay, queer and trans-friendly/affirming,” plus people who self-identify as “African American/black/of the African Diaspora, Asian, South Asian, West Asian/Arab/Middle Eastern, Pacific Islander, First Nations/Alaskan Native/Native American/Indigenous, Chican/Latin, or Multiracial/Mixed-Race.” The email adds that “white friends, allies and partners are respectfully asked not to attend.”

But her intention was to be “inclusive.”

Maybe she’s not lying. Maybe she actually believes that whites can be left out of things and that is diversity and inclusiveness.

So, when do we get to start the blowback? I’m ready. Give me the white man hand signal. Give me the dog whistle.

(Of course, I am kidding. There are no meetings. There are no plans. There is no army. Sadly.)

ht/ illustr8r

26 Comments on So What You’re Saying, Yoga Lady, Is That You’re An Idiot?

  1. Haha. I don’t have a problem with fat people, in general. Specifically, the problem I have is when a fat person is teaching gyn class. Or a fat person with some sort of nutrition certificate is telling me how to eat.

    Also, never go to a hair dresser whose hair looks fucked up, and never go to a doctor with huge frickin hands for a physical examination. lol .

  2. What happens if a white “lesbian, bisexual, gay, queer and trans-friendly/affirming” person wants to get their yoga on? Do they have to yoga at the back of the class?
    …the blowback is laughing at the absurdity

  3. Yeah, like I want to be in a room full of sweaty “lesbian, bisexual, gay, queer and trans-friendly/affirming, “African American/black/of the African Diaspora, Asian, South Asian, West Asian/Arab/Middle Eastern, Pacific Islander, First Nations/Alaskan Native/Native American/Indigenous, Chican/Latin, or Multiracial/Mixed-Race.”
    mentally ill and “victim-hood” mongers.

    It’s bad enough I have to see them at the Home Town Buffet.

  4. Why is it that the left are the ones that insist on labels on everyone? But then recoil when any distinction is made?
    They want to be identified as transgendered original Americans
    when it comes to a voting minority
    but then scream bloody murder when a news report identifies a ” black man was seen running”
    Sorry idiots you can’t have it both ways.
    Let us try a society that makes no distinction that is not relevant to the situation. ” Black man wearing a hoodie running from scene of crime ” is legit way to help cops find the criminal. ” Lesbians vote for … ” is a statement with no real value.
    Each person is just a voter, plain and simple. And when it comes down to it makes up their own mind.
    Try it I can bet that we would all be better off in a truly color blind society,.

  5. Her apology was certainly carefully worded by the attorney who also advised her to lay low for a while.

    Wonder if she picked her attorney based on race/ethnicity ?

  6. Typical Prog/SJW has absolutely no self-awareness.
    Someday they will decide it is caused by brainwashing young minds in the public school system. It’s a mental health issue.
    Hitler said,
    Damnit Godwin, stop biting me.

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