“Old Jewish Socialist Guys Get Me Aroused” – Joy Behar – IOTW Report

“Old Jewish Socialist Guys Get Me Aroused” – Joy Behar

No. Not kidding with this. She actually said this.

MODEL RELEASED. ^BOsteoporosis causing kyphosis.^b Excessively curved spine (kyphosis) seen on a 78 year old man with osteoporosis (brittle bones). Kyphosis usually affects the top of the spine and may result in a hunchback. Here, osteoporosis has reduced the bone density of the spine, leading to the vertebrae undergoing crush fractures. Osteoporosis arises through an imbalance between the formation and adsorption of bone. It occurs in both sexes in older age, but is far more common in women as lack of oestrogen production after the menopause leads to a reduction in bone mass. Treatments include hormone replacement therapy (for women), exercise and maintaining a high calcium intake.



16 Comments on “Old Jewish Socialist Guys Get Me Aroused” – Joy Behar

  1. The whole debate all I heard was, “We need to take from the rich to give more opportunities to the middle class so when they have a chance at success we can take from them too.”

    Heck, I’m happy making nothing just so I don’t have to deal with the three ring shit show government.

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