Walmart Stock Plunges to 1990s Level – IOTW Report

Walmart Stock Plunges to 1990s Level


So far this year, Walmart (NYSE: WMT) has lost nearly 30 percent of its market value — the equivalent of $79 billion.

Hoping to temper the bad news somewhat, the company announced a $20 billion share buyback program Wednesday. By midday, that was the amount Walmart had lost in market value as shares sunk to their lowest level since the 1990s.

Walmart is spending $1.2 billion this year to raise hourly wages for employees to $9 per hour, and it will spend $1.5 billion next year to hike it up to $10 per hour.


I was hoping it had something to do with letting illegals use the 20 items or fewer lane when they have 50 items.

11 Comments on Walmart Stock Plunges to 1990s Level

  1. Big Fur – it IS about boycotting because illegals use the express lanes with full carts. We all know the media is controlled by the invader thug crowd so they’ll never get to the truth.

    Don’t let them play “look a squirrel”!

  2. It certainly can’t have anything to do with pissing off what was a loyal customer base. A customer base that remained loyal in light of a low information culture that mocked WalMart shoppers. But a customer base that stopped being loyal was WalMart execs started becoming leftist douchbags. Pressuring Arkansas government into forcing bakers to bake cakes they don’t want to bake tops my list, for sure.

    And made me a loyal Target shopper. So suck me, WalMart.

  3. I quit shopping at WalMart when the door greeter wanted to see my receipt. I told him he was accusing me of shoplifting and I wouldn’t show him the receipt. He said he was just doing his job, and I told him as a citizen I was doing mine as well. I told him I wouldn’t be back to WalMart and he said “good.” I can usually get what I need at the grocery store or Big Lots.

  4. Too much free credit and all of the sudden everyone has a choice with outlets popping up here and there. It’s going to dry up real fast and Wal-Mart will still stand. Don’t ya know their shopping centers are going to be used in part for imposing martial law, shhhh!

  5. Absolutely.
    Wmt has been taken over by a bunch of leftard execs who’ll run the company into the ground and not think a thing about it as long as the leftists journalists write nice things about them in the newspaper about how wonderful it is the company is promoting the diversity bullshiite and global warming and whatever else the insane left wants.

  6. Toldja.

    Banning the Stars and Bars by a chain that has about half its stores in the South and another third in the Midwest (the South’s Northern annex) was the dumbest thing imaginable next to hiring Robert Gibbs as its message director.

    Hey, guys, when you decide to surrender, it’s not the white flag you show.

  7. I wonder if this has more to do with Walmart’s supply chain members (China, Thailand and the like) in deep economic trouble and coupled with their sales (which to be honest I don’t know if they are rising, falling or stable) which if stable or falling spells big trouble for a firm that operates on huge volumes and low margin. The owners of the place (the ones with the most shares) are all the kids of the founder and are all lefties. Funny how easy it is to be a progressive lefty when you’re rich isn’t it. Anyway, that much value of a retail stock in such a short time isn’t because of a few billion in added salary expense.

  8. Let’s go through all the insults, shall we?

    First, they buckled on Obamacare. Then they stopped selling the Confederate flag. Then they stopped selling AR’s. Then they raised their minimum wage and jacked up prices to be the same (or in most cases, higher) than everyone else.

    Finally, I quit Wally World because it’s now Third World and no one there speaks English.

  9. Walmart is the last place I would think of going for anything, especially after dark. People living in the parking lot, panhandlers circling like vultures, trash and liquid waste all over. Inside it’s like going to the county fair – people lose their minds in that place, the biggest thrill of their day.

  10. Bingo. I went to the one in South Sioux City, NE two days ago. I had been in Dakota Dunes, SD for a Dr. appt. Nothing but little brown, smelly people speaking mexican and filthy koranimals of every persuasion, somali, arabic and black converts. I will NEVER go there again.

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