Media Yawn At Medal of Honor For Army Captain Who Rushed Suicide Bomber – IOTW Report

Media Yawn At Medal of Honor For Army Captain Who Rushed Suicide Bomber

Florent Groberg 1

NB: ABC, CBS, and NBC’s morning and evening newscasts, along with the on-air programming of the three major cable news networks, have yet to cover the Wednesday announcement that Florent A. Groberg, a retired U.S. army captain, will receive the Medal of Honor on November 12, 2015 at the White House.

Captain Groberg is being recognized for “his courageous actions while serving as a Personal Security Detachment Commander for Task Force Mountain Warrior, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division during combat operations in Asadabad, Kunar Province, Afghanistan on August 8, 2012.”  more here

15 Comments on Media Yawn At Medal of Honor For Army Captain Who Rushed Suicide Bomber

  1. I don’t even want to imagine how these same self important gutless jerks would treat Sgt. Alvin York now for what he did in World War 1. The first thing they would find wrong with him was that he was a bible believing Christian and it would go downhill from there. And Audie Murphy would probably be treated shabbily as well by these jerks. Anything outstanding or extraordinary or beyond the call of duty is denigrated now and especially since Vietnam while the freaks and losers are praised to high heaven.

  2. When is someone going to shine the light of truth on the money and influence the media receives for this. There is a lot more to keeping the media in lockstep with the Left than just an agenda going on here!

  3. The media shat on the only man in the demorat “debate” also, War Hero Jim Webb. His enemy was the guy who tried to kill him, but he killed the enemy and saved a brother Marine. The pussified media did not like that. Fuck the media!

  4. The media is disappointed because he stopped the killing of innocent people. One can only assume this is the case. “If it bleeds it leads” assures these greedy bastards of increased revenue and importance. (Two can play the accusation game.)

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