Which Racist Right-Winger Said the Following? – IOTW Report

Which Racist Right-Winger Said the Following?

“There’s a premium on the father not living with the family, and there’s a premium on not working. If you work, you lose your money, so nobody goes to work. There’s no jobs there, people live on welfare, and the welfare rolls spread, and the rest of the population of the city get tired of paying taxes, so they move into the suburbs.”

“I don’t think, you see, that the federal government can do it. . .. I think we have to, therefore, bring the private sector in, the businessman … make it attractive for them to invest in the ghetto, make it attractive for them to build housing in the ghetto. I don’t think it’s sufficient to say to them, you should do it from a charitable point of view. They have to report to their officers and to their stockholders. I think you have to make it attractive through tax credits and … through tax write-offs.”

“I think we have to face the fact that what we’ve been doing for the last 30 years hasn’t been right. … It’s not just a question of putting more money in. That is not enough. That is not the answer.”

“…the life of the individual, the boy or man living in the ghetto now is worse than it was in 1960, that the unemployment rate is greater, that the housing is worse, that the opportunity to obtain an adequate or satisfactory education is less … so you’re churning all of these people out onto the streets who are unequipped, untrained, unskilled and can’t find jobs, and live in homes that are filled with rats, frequently are illegitimate themselves or from broken families.”


14 Comments on Which Racist Right-Winger Said the Following?

  1. So, context changed the definition of words? I fail to see much poetic license used here.
    Was the context actually sarcasm? That I doubt, Bobby wasn’t known for his sarcasm.

  2. I didn’t know which one, but I knew the words were spoken by a democrat. Had those words been spoken today, he’d be apologizing immediately after or be booted from the Party.

  3. Neither major party is the same today as they were in RFK’s time. Back then, despite their differences, they could at least work together as fellow Americans for the sake of the Nation. Today, their level of mean-spiritedness and political partisanship boggles the mind.

  4. … I think we have to, therefore, bring the private sector in, the businessman … make it attractive for them to invest in the ghetto, make it attractive for them to build housing in the ghetto…”

    Sounds like eminent domain to me. Isnt that what Trump would say?

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