Famous porn star endorses Marco Rubio – IOTW Report

Famous porn star endorses Marco Rubio

Former adult entertainer turned business mogul, Jenna Jameson, gave her endorsement to the candidate she called the “clear choice” for president.

jameson for rubio

27 Comments on Famous porn star endorses Marco Rubio

  1. Yep, Jenna Jameson is a porn star – I looked up her bio. She’s also a self-made millionaire, a business owner and an entrepeneur. She pays taxes, and employs people. So far as I can tell in just a few minutes of looking at her biography, she hasn’t been convicted of any serious crimes, and has no reported history of violence.

    The porn industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. Everyone pretends to ignore or disparage the porn industry, but billionaires like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett aren’t supporting the business all on their own – there are millions of customers. A lot of things we use and take for granted on the internet had their beginnings with the porn industry – streaming video and on-line payment systems come to mind – and the porn industry was one of the first to enbrace internet commerce. In business terms, porn has a large and lucrative market, and Jameson has figured out a way to make a lot of money in the business.

    I’m not going to vote for anyone just because Jenna Jameson endorses him or her. But I can say this about most celebrities; “legitimate” or otherwise.

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