Biden’s a Liar, a Blowhard and an Idiot – Which Means He Should Anchor For NBC – IOTW Report

Biden’s a Liar, a Blowhard and an Idiot – Which Means He Should Anchor For NBC

NEWSER) – Joe Biden has long claimed he never advised President Obama to go through with the 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden. It’s a claim he’s now changing—or at least slightly tweaking—as he possibly prepares to challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination,CNN reports. During a cabinet meeting prior to the raid, Biden urged caution and advocated for further intelligence gathering. He now says that wasn’t the end of the story. “As we walked out of the room and went upstairs, I told [Obama] my opinion, that I said that I thought he should go but to follow his own instincts,” the New York Times quotes Biden during an event Tuesday.

At the event, Biden said he only offered his opinion on controversial issues while alone with Obama in order to present a united front to the cabinet, the Times reports. In addition to contradicting himself, Biden contradicted Clinton Tuesday, saying only former CIA director Leon Panetta was unequivocally in favor of the raid, according to CNN. In her book, Clinton claims she immediately supported the raid. more

4 Comments on Biden’s a Liar, a Blowhard and an Idiot – Which Means He Should Anchor For NBC

  1. “As we walked out of the room and went upstairs…”

    Is this a revelation of how close is their ‘friendship’?
    Barky has already revealed that his bathhouse preference is old white guys…..

  2. So, they may have discussed it in a cabinet meeting. Where are we told what Obama decided? My understanding is he went the dithering route and that they had to go ahead without him. Thus the picture in the Situation Room with Bam Bam in a hastily donned jacket and a look of horror on his face.

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