USA Transnational Report – IOTW Report

USA Transnational Report

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Here’s the latest:

House Of Bribes: How The United States Led The Way To A Nuclear Iran

  • How George Soros and Valerie Jarrett planned and executed the Iranian nuclear deal from the beginning
  • The roots of the Iranian lobby, and how one prominent family masterminded the influence operation that led to the deal
  • Names of politicians who have taken money from the Iranian lobby
  • The GOP’s complicity and false attempts to stop the deal
  • How the deal makes war MORE LIKELY, not LESS likely
  • How the deal makes the United States a sponsor of global terror, and what that means for our reputation
  • What the world will look like now that the Iranian terror regime has been legitimized


7 Comments on USA Transnational Report

  1. So Jarrett and 0bama go back farther than 0bama & Mooch. Interesting. And Jarrett is called the “Night Stalker”. She does look like a nocturnal viper.

    Bookmarked the link under “Information”, this will be useful later on, for sure. This is too much for me to take in in one day. Tons of information! Many pieces of the corruption puzzle that I haven’t seen before.

  2. I have insomnia tonight so I read the whole report. Wish I hadn’t. Now I’m REALLY never going to get to sleep. My heart is breaking for my country. May Jarrett, Soros and Obama rot in hell.

  3. I’m beginning to think that if you could invite only one of the progressive leftists over for an afternoon of tea and water-boarding it would be Valerie Jarrett. She seems to be in the center of everything and is far more likely to be Obama’s puppet master than Soros. I’ll bet the afternoon would just fly along until it was dinner time and she would have to be returned, perhaps a little damp, to her White House lair none the worse for wear but maybe feeling a little better for having unburdened herself. I’ll bet an awful lot of mysteries would be cleared up.

  4. Thank you for posting this, Fur!

    We invite you all to tune in to our Saturday morning USA Transnational Radio Roundtable at 8am ET – an hour of in-depth talk about what’s happening in Europe, the Mideast, and here in the USA. You can find the show at and Studio A.

    It features regulars Terresa Monroe-Hamilton; Denise Simon; Wallace Bruschweiler; William Palumbo, and yours truly. This week, we’ll pull up an extra chair at the roundtable for Gen. Paul Vallely.

    Join us!

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