Obama phone calls in off-Oval office

7 Comments on NEVER LET A CRISIS…

  1. My daughter and I both laughed this morning when we heard that they named the hurricane Patricia. My late wife’s name was Patricia, ( she was a Patty or just P as her nickname). It’s a good thing they didn’t name the hurricane Louise which was my wife’s middle name, she hated that name. Hurricane Louise to me sounds more menacing than Patricia just because. Patricia is a genteel name for the most part, Louise on the other hand is well do I have to say it Geez Louise which she hated.

  2. naming hurricanes started by weather guys keeping track of them by using their wives’ and GF’s names. Then PCism started and we had to add guys’ names, then the list sounded too white so they dug into more ethnic names. Post Katrina I heard of a father lobbying to stop using real names because his daughter Katrina felt bad that her name caused so much damage.
    Personally I would like to have a hurricane Kevin and it had better be a cat V total destruction . I do not want a headline to read ” kevin wimps out”
    When Bonnie hit the US years ago it was fun plastering our coworker Bonnie’s door with headlines.

  3. Hmmm.
    Speaking of ‘useful crises’, it wouldn’t surprise me if these sundry shootings on college campuses are more connected and more intentional than we have been led to believe.

    Soon after the Chechnya school massacre, theories were filtering around about the terrorists becoming school bus drivers and grinding the US economy to a halt by staging a mass/multiple incident involving schools, since most would stay home to protect their kids.

  4. The worst hurricane for me of the dozen or so I’ve been through (and I had been in the eye of 2) cost me 2 trucks and a few thousand in tools and misc equipment. She was named Bertha!

    Getting beat up by Bertha is not embarrassing, so I truly get your point!

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