I did a post today (a fake post) where I said a college professor thought that mariachi bands, authentic Mexican mariachi bands, were a micro-aggression towards Mexicans.
Silly right?
Not as silly as an actual leftard.
Woman (???) Says Calling People Who Commit Crimes “Criminals” Is Disrespectful and a Microaggression
A guy who had his 2 day-old bike stolen from his laundry room said something on a neighborhood forum about the “criminal” who stole his bike.
Enter this, this idiot, Malkia Cyril, who says people should stop using this “label” because it shows a lack of understanding.
She says these are simply people who steal a bike, not a criminal, and it’s the fault of society that people are “forced” to steal.
She cites gentrification, economic equality, lack of affordable housing and the defunding of public schools, (what public school has been defunded?) for “forcing” people into a life of (can we say crime? Because that would mean they are CRIMINALS, no?)
See political correctness reaching the outer rim of stupidity HERE
The sorry POS that comes to my house and steals something is going to be called “deceased” if I catch him, or at least he will suffer severe and multiple macroagressions from the nearest blunt object available. Microaggressions and how he’s referred to will be the very least of his worries.
Are they sure that thing is really a woman? Eek, run away! Why are leftist women so damned fugly? As well as dumb as dirt, my apologies to dirt.
The left is already a parody of itself
Microaggressions? We used to call that “Making mountains out of molehills”.
Until she? Is robbed then its what racist society ?
“She cites gentrification, economic equality, lack of affordable housing and the defunding of public schools, (what public school has been defunded?) for “forcing” people into a life of (can we say crime? Because that would mean they are CRIMINALS, no?)”
where have we heard this drivel before?
the msm is not the USA’s friend are they?
this is the democrat platform is it not?
talk about brainwashing.
you cannot fix STUPID!
As Eddie Murphy said so well as Mr Robinson (on SNL): “When I try to be your neighbor, you all move away !”
REgressives have a Midas Touch, only in reverse. The old saying about fucking up a wet dream comes to mind.
“forced” to steal a kids bike-wow
I guess I’m a raaaaacist because I got pissed off when someone stole my bike when I was ten.
So by ‘her’ logic, I was ‘forced’ to become a microaggressive raaaaacist by the thief?
Gee Wally, that must be what they call true Socialism where everyone has the right to steal, oops I mean borrow… not just the politicians!
Unless yer White of course!
You know what’s truly criminal?
This idiot’s punchable face.
She’s correct, it’s the fault of society for not explaining in forgive me, black and white the reasons that theft of property is a wrongful action. If these idiots were properly conditioned to live among the polite and civil then there would be no reason for their actions or ours when we catch them.
So now the 8th Commandment, Thou Shalt Not Steal, is now considered a micro-aggression?
These people are truly Godless.
Somewhere, sometime, society must have ceased to give explanations of why criminal behavior is wrong. Look to our politicians for that startling fact. Hillary anyone…..
Get the ovens stoked and ready.
Damn. Well, there goes thousands of hours and countless dollars wasted on Criminal Law. Send all those people home.
Remember that you have to commit 1,000,000 micro-aggressions to have committed just one actual aggression, so they’re not really that big of a deal.
Great point, geoff.
I Binged it and here’s a photo.
Your guess is as good as mine.
What about “hard-working criminal”? Is that OK, mister?
I want to let any people who want to steal my stuff know that I microagress @ 900fps with copper clad lead of .450 diameter
It is impossible to parody or satirize that which is already surreal.
It’s really no more complicated than this: Milkofmagnesia Cyrus is simply a racist. If the person committing the crime happens to match her own pigmentation she’s on their side, no matter who the real victim is.
I thought Rerun died.
So its MY fault, as usual.
Nope, I dont think so!!!!
Right after the LA riots two of this Lady’s cousins were on TV saying: “WE didn’t burn this building down, SOCIETY burned this building down.
Black Lies Matter
They are leftists BECAUSE they are ugly. The left can really be called Perpetual Victims Inc®
No longer are they thieves but “alternative shoppers”.
One question. When you plug them full of holes for stealing your sh!t, is it microaggression to call them, “dead as fried chicken” or “permanently rehabilitated”? I’d hate to show disrespect towards chickens or anyone who has been rehabilitated.
i would like to offer my help to any bay area residents whose conscience is tormenting them because they have benefitted disproportionately from their “white privilege”
This guy could better respect criminals from within a prison cell.
Can one assume from the photo and the fact that Cyril has a computer that he/she has a life of relative privilege. Therefore I suggest two things. 1) Advertise that her/his home is open to anyone that has no privilege to steal anything they want. 2) I demand that he/she/it give away all those things that allow her/him to have the life of privilege so everyone is brought to the same level.