Clintons To Ignore Fixing Foundation Tax Return Errors – IOTW Report

Clintons To Ignore Fixing Foundation Tax Return Errors

The Clintons are above reproach dontcha know?

HT/ All Too Much

7 Comments on Clintons To Ignore Fixing Foundation Tax Return Errors

  1. I read a few months ago when it was announced they intended to refile it that it could be a bad move for them. The business analyst that had examined the records of the foundation closely said that by filing amended tax returns they would be officially admitting that they had filed false returns originally (intentionally or not doesn’t matter much according to tax law) and would open them up to loads of legal liability. This article has a lot of info and is one of a series by the same guy in recent weeks:

    My guess is that they made a deal with Obama’s IRS to not refile the tax returns in return for everything they had filed not being further scrutinized by the feds. It’s becoming pretty clear that hellary is the only semi-viable candidate the dems can field in this election cycle so she must be protected at all costs.

    I’m thinking that the valjar administration is getting ready to boot James Comey (head of the FBI) or they are at least sending a warning shot by bad mouthing his statement regarding the “Ferguson Effect” (the phenomenon of cops being afraid to do their jobs because of how they are treated when they do). Comey might actually intend on holding hitlery to the law regarding her email crimes, but I’m guessing that won’t be allowed.

  2. Good question. I did not file my 2014 return this year because the IRS actually ran out of forms. All the places that used to get them by the boxful–post offices, banks, libraries–don’t get them anymore, and they stopped mailing them to taxpayers. I’m supposed to “print them out from” What, on the printer I don’t have?

    Now ask me if I GAFF.

  3. “Fixing”? The “fix” is already in. If you or I were to attempt even close to the same thing, we’d be so far under the jail, they’d have to ship in sunshine on alternate Tuesdays.
    Two different sets of laws and enforcement, one for thee and me, a different one for the elites.

    When does the shooting start?

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