Armed Robber’s Family Complains He Was Shot Too Many Times – IOTW Report

Armed Robber’s Family Complains He Was Shot Too Many Times


The family of a Chicago man gunned down during a robbery attempt are calling for his shooter, a concealed weapon permit-holder, to be prosecuted for the shooting. The Washington Post is helping to further that effort, suggesting the failed robbery could even be a Halloween prank gone horribly wrong.

Police say Saturday night Reginald Gildersleeve walked into the small bodega Agencia Mexicana while wearing a mask andannounced a holdup, whipping out what appeared to be gun. Moments later he was gunned down by an unnamed patron. It was later discovered that Gildersleeve’s gun was a paintball gun.


31 Comments on Armed Robber’s Family Complains He Was Shot Too Many Times

  1. They should be able to wound first, kill next. He didn’t deserve to get shot multiple times.”

    You shoot until the threat is neutralized. The shooter has no responsibility to pick and choose where to shoot or how many times to shoot. Threats don’t get neutralized by shooting a hand or a leg. You always take the best odds shot – center mass – and keep shooting until there is no more threat. Ideally try to place subsequent shots about 6 inches from the previous to have the threat receive more pain.

    It’s also illegal to conceal carry a paintball gun. To “whip it out” with a mask on in itself is illegal. Hence brandishing and getting shot.

  2. LOL! Stupid criminal, in Illinois it is ILLEGAL for a concealed carry permit holder to carry a BB gun or paintball gun concealed. So why did you think you were doing a good thing by stuffing a paintball gun down your drawers?

    If I ever pull a gun from concealment, I am shooting until I no longer feel threatened, that’s it. I’m not looking to graze or wound, because those are the shots that could hit innocent people. It’s too difficult to try and hit a 3-4″ wide kneecap especially under duress. Instead I’m going for a double tap to center mass and planning on a mag dump with a reload.

  3. That could be a fatal error if your adrenalin-fueled tunnel vision has kept you from seeing that there’s more than one threat. If it takes one whole mag to neutralize one threat, so be it, but that’s why you carry more than one mag, right?

  4. I think too many people have seen too many cowboy TV shows and movies where the “good” guy would shoot the gun out of the hand of the “bad” guy.

    Too many people are unfamiliar with firearms.

    THAT is an educational challenge that needs to be met!

  5. Next year if I’m flying on an airliner on Halloween and I hold a little briefcase (with a disassembled radio clock) and yell bomb! will the Washington Post come to my defense after I’m restrained and arrested after the plane lands?….. just asking?

  6. If someone breaks into my house, the time for talking is over. I’m not going to argue with the robber if he wants his big toe or pinkie shot off first. He will rot in my huge compost box in the backyard and my humus in the spring will grow many veggies. Those tomatoes should be especially red and delish.

  7. Dear Family of an idiot.
    Your Idiot family member was not trying to ‘turn his life around’
    He was illegally attempting to rob a business, using the threat of death from a firearm.
    The fact that it is a toy is irrelevant. He brandished it in the same manner you would if it were a real weapon.
    The people he waved it at were not in on his secret, (the secret that its not a real weapon) they were faced with a situation indistinguishable from from a real threat to their lives. They felt they were in danger of being killed.
    Your family member was an idiot and he died an idiot’s death, and as the story unwinds, it looks like he will be mourned by idiots as well.

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