College Administrators Shred Their Last Ounce of Sanity – IOTW Report

College Administrators Shred Their Last Ounce of Sanity

I guess it was only a matter of time until Project Veritas, of the ACORN videos fame, went back to colleges. Now they’ve gotten adminstrators at Vassar and Oberlin to agree to feed the U.S. Constitution througha paper shredder because its “triggering.” The Veritas reporter even managed to get one of the administrators doing the act on film.

“When this idea came up in our newsroom about campus administrators shredding the Constitution because it’s a trigger against students, we didn’t think people would actually fall for it,” James O’Keefe says at one point in the video. “We underestimated just how stupid and politically correct these people are.”

You can find the story and video here:
Sterling C. Beard
Campus Reform Editor-in-Chief

6 Comments on College Administrators Shred Their Last Ounce of Sanity

  1. There needs to be a campaign that paints “political correctness” as a mental illness or a disability and it needs to go viral.

    “Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize you are politically correct. Let me rephrase for you.” And then start talking very slow and patronizing like you’re talking to a retard.

    “Oh, and in case there are any PC people in the audience tonight, we have translator headsets available for you in the back.”

    On the news: “Tonight we bring you news of a black gang related shooting, police report that the incident is related to a drive by shooting committed earlier by an illegal immigrant.”

    The SAP channel says: “Tonight there is an unsubstantiated claim of youth activity marred by the presence of a gun, and reports indicate that this crisis was caused by an act of love performed by a migratory refugee.”

  2. As I noted on another post with the same article, I wonder how the uber-educated Poindexter eggheads would react if the whiny fake student (excellently played!) had come in complaining about being micro-aggressed by Mein Kampf, Das Kapital, or the Quoran?

    Are you reading this, Mr O’Keefe? Sounds like another project in the making.

  3. If a libtard student came in and complained about microaggressions from the koran he would immediately be found out to be a plant.

    Libtards are not microaggressed by the koran. It’s part of the standard issue cognitive dissonance package they get with freshmen orientation.

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