If they are caught and it’s prosecuted as a hate crime I’ll eat a bug – IOTW Report

If they are caught and it’s prosecuted as a hate crime I’ll eat a bug

What the hell? Salt Lake City is 2.7% Black and 2 White Guys Still Managed To Get Assaulted By 6 of Them.

A guy from Wyoming went to Salt Lake City to see a Garth Brooks concert. While looking out the hotel window he saw a group of guys surrounding his truck. He had thousands of dollars worth of welding equipment in his flatbed, so he and a friend went outside to see what was so interesting to them.

The next thing you know, one of them is unconscious and the other is fighting the six of them off.

There are whispers that this may be handled as a hate crime because the guy had a confederate flag decal on his truck and this might have been the reason they were assaulted. Ya, okay. Interesting, but, ya, okay.



20 Comments on If they are caught and it’s prosecuted as a hate crime I’ll eat a bug

  1. The University of Utah Utes (youths?) are consistently in the top 25 for NCAA football….well, say the last few years….now, they are ranked 12th….they recruit heavily from California….any questions?….

  2. “Yeah, I think what President Obama is finding out is all that we want to do, the system kind of doesn’t allow the most powerful guy in the world to kind of do his job and I’m sure nobody’s more frustrated than him to complete those promises that he did and I think he’s trying his heart out. I love him to death and I fully support him and I just wish him well because it’s got to be hell in that office,” said Brooks.

  3. If you ever watched the 70’s movie The Groove Tube you’d know what finger f**king is. There was a fake commercial in it where a couple of fingers were really getting it on. A parody of an old Ma Bell/ATT&T commercial of reaching out and touching someone except in this case they used happy fingers.

  4. A Cowboy in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says, “Wanna hear a good BYU joke?”

    The guy next to him replies, “Well before you tell that joke, you should know something. I’m 6′ tall, 200 lbs., and I am a BYU grad. The guy sitting next to me is 6′ 2″ tall, weighs 225, and he’s a BYU grad. And the fella next to him is 6′ 5″ tall, weighs 250, and he’s a BYU grad. Now, you still wanna tell that joke?”

    The Cowboy says, “No, not if I’m gonna have to explain it three times.”

  5. One of these days a “teen” mob is going to gang up on the wrong outnumbered, CC permit-holding honkey and end up stacked like bloody cord wood. And this is just the part of the country where it could happen.

  6. The best bar fight I never really saw was just outside Thermopolis Wyoming, some rodeo weekend….I was 16, cuz I could drive, but I couldn’t get into the bar….they had girls/women in there and I REALLY thought I needed to see some…anyways, I’m standing outside, when all hell broke loose and all of a sudden some cowboy came rollin’ out in the air…he fell to the ground and started to get up….then he just kept getting up… he was huge….I didn’t know who or what threw him outta that bar but I knew I didn’t need to be where I was anymore…then he went back in…

  7. My family is unalloyed Irish by way of Montana. Bar fights are a right of passage.

    Spent a lot of time walking around w/stitches in my face in my 20s. My mother used to pitch a hell of a bitch about it, but from what I hear from reliable sources she was the primary instigator when she was that age.

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